🇧🇷 OFPI Webhooks
Whenever there is a new charge created by the Belvo application (that is, when the charge is created asynchronously and not as a result of a direct POST call), you will receive the following webhook:
"webhook_id": "3b9a69f7-0f0a-455b-832d-49ad6fd4905c",
"webhook_type": "CHARGES",
"webhook_code": "OBJECT_CREATED",
"object_id": "7d01c4cf-57ed-4ed9-b109-a5bfb2d8c42b", // The ID of the Charge
"external_id": "c3c51aaf-aaa3-400c-926d-87ab62e195fd",
"data": null
You'll receive a webhook event whenever the status of a charge is updated to:
Event | Sent when |
SCHEDULED | The charge is 'paused' until the scheduled payment date. |
SUCCEEDED | The charge has been confirmed and processed by the open finance network. |
FAILED | The user hasn't provided consent for the payment, or there has been a general error in the open finance network. |
CANCELED | The scheduled charge was canceled. |
"webhook_id": "3b9a69f7-0f0a-455b-832d-49ad6fd4905c",
"webhook_type": "CHARGES",
"webhook_code": "STATUS_UPDATE",
"object_id": "d2e40773-19f6-48d1-93c3-3590ec0c74df",
"external_id": null,
"data": {
"status": "SUCCEEDED", // The status of the charge.
"metadata": {"internal_reference_id": "GGq12345w2"},
"failure_code": null,
"failure_message": null,
"end_to_end_id": "E432158152024081610416f2b595b056",
"webhook_id": "3b9a69f7-0f0a-455b-832d-49ad6fd4905c",
"webhook_type": "CHARGES",
"webhook_code": "STATUS_UPDATE",
"object_id": "d2e40773-19f6-48d1-93c3-3590ec0c74df",
"external_id": null,
"data": {
"status": "FAILED",
"metadata": {"internal_reference_id": "GGq12345w2"},
"failure_code": "consent_expired",
"failure_message": "The payment consent was not accepted in time.",
"end_to_end_id": "E432158152024081610416f2b595b056"
Failure codes and messages
Below is a list of failure_code
s and failure_message
s that you can receive in a Charges webhook when a charge fails:
Code | Message | When it can occur |
AMOUNT_OVER_LIMIT | The payment amount or the number of payments exceeds the limits set by the institution. | Status Update |
AUTHORIZATION_EXPIRED | The authorization time has expired. | Status Update |
CONSENT_PENDING_AUTHORIZATION | Consent pending authorization from multiple levels (status 'PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED').” | Status Update |
HOLDER_INFRASTRUCTURE_FAILURE | There was a failure in the infrastructure of the account holder. | Status Update |
ICP_INFRASTRUCTURE_FAILURE | There was a failure in the ICP (Infraestrutura de Chaves Públicas) infrastructure.") | Status Update |
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS | The account has insufficient funds to make the payment. | Status Update |
INVALID_CHARGE | The charge is invalid or incorrect. | Status Update |
INVALID_PAYMENT_DETAIL | The payment details provided are invalid. | Status Update |
NOT_INFORMED | No error reason was provided by the institution. | On Creation |
PAYMENT_CONSENT_MISMATCH | The payment details do not match the consent provided. | On Creation |
PAYMENT_REFUSED_BY_HOLDER | The payment was refused by the account holder. | On Creation, Status Update |
PAYMENT_REFUSED_BY_SPI | The payment was refused by the SPI (Sistema de Pagamentos Instantâneos). | Status Update |
PAYMENT_SCHEDULING_FAILURE | There was a failure in scheduling the payment. | Status Update |
RECEIVING_PSP_INFRASTRUCTURE_FAILURE | There was a failure in the infrastructure of the receiving PSP (Payment Service Provider). | Status Update |
SAME_ORIGIN_DESTINATION_ACCOUNTS | The origin and destination accounts are the same. | Status Update |
SPI_INFRASTRUCTURE_FAILURE | There was a failure in the SPI infrastructure. | Status Update |
SPI_REJECTED_PAYMENT | Payment rejected in the Instant Payment System (SPI). | Status Update |
USER_REJECTED | The user rejected the authorization of the consent. | Status Update |
Whenever there is a new customer created by the Belvo application (that is, when the customer is created asynchronously and not as a result of a direct POST call), you will receive the following webhook:
"webhook_id": "3b9a69f7-0f0a-455b-832d-49ad6fd4905c",
"webhook_type": "CUSTOMERS",
"webhook_code": "OBJECT_CREATED",
"object_id": "7d01c4cf-57ed-4ed9-b109-a5bfb2d8c42b",
"external_id": "c3c51aaf-aaa3-400c-926d-87ab62e195fd",
"data": null
Once you receive the notification, you can get details on the customer by making the following request:
curl --request GET 'https://api.belvo.com/payments/br/customers/{id}/' \
-u [Secret Key ID]:[Secret Key PASSWORD]
is theobject_id
of the customer (which you receive in the webhook event).
Whenever there is a new enrollment created by the Belvo application you will receive the following webhook:
"webhook_id": "3b9a69f7-0f0a-455b-832d-49ad6fd4905c",
"webhook_type": "ENROLLMENTS",
"webhook_code": "OBJECT_CREATED",
"object_id": "7d01c4cf-57ed-4ed9-b109-a5bfb2d8c42b",
"external_id": "c3c51aaf-aaa3-400c-926d-87ab62e195fd",
"data": null
Once you receive the notification, you can get details on the enrollment by making the following request:
curl --request GET 'https://api.belvo.com/payments/br/enrollments/{id}/' \
-u [Secret Key ID]:[Secret Key PASSWORD]
is theobject_id
of the customer (which you receive in the webhook event).
You'll receive a webhook event whenever the status of a enrollment is updated to:
Event | Sent when |
PENDING | The enrollment is awaiting biometric details to be sent through. |
SUCCEEDED | The enrollment was accepted by the institution. |
FAILED | The enrollment was rejected by the institution. |
"webhook_id": "9f91116b-bfe1-45f2-8ae3-aa604161c4aa",
"webhook_type": "ENROLLMENTS",
"webhook_code": "STATUS_UPDATE",
"object_id": "06a51b80-708d-49c9-8620-7b0fd2fbc548",
"external_id": "c3c51aaf-aaa3-400c-926d-87ab62e195fd",
"data": {
"status": "PENDING",
"metadata": null,
"details": { "status": "AWAITING_ENROLLMENT" }
"webhook_id": "9f91116b-bfe1-45f2-8ae3-aa604161c4aa",
"webhook_type": "ENROLLMENTS",
"webhook_code": "STATUS_UPDATE",
"object_id": "e64de9d0-0045-49ad-b1ee-779a9c269ab3",
"external_id": "c3c51aaf-aaa3-400c-926d-87ab62e195fd",
"data": {
"status": "SUCCEEDED",
"metadata": null,
"details": { "status": "AUTHORIZED" }
"webhook_id": "9f91116b-bfe1-45f2-8ae3-aa604161c4aa",
"webhook_type": "ENROLLMENTS",
"webhook_code": "STATUS_UPDATE",
"object_id": "e64de9d0-0045-49ad-b1ee-779a9c269ab3",
"external_id": "c3c51aaf-aaa3-400c-926d-87ab62e195fd",
"data": {
"status": "FAILED",
"satus_reason_code": "invalid_account_status",
"status_reason_message":"The Enrollment status is incompatible with the operation.",
"metadata": null,
"details": { "status": "REJECTED" }
Status codes and messages
Below is a list of status_reason_code
s and status_reason_message
s that you can receive in an Enrollment webhook when an enrollment fails:
status_reason_code | status_reason_message |
unexpected | Enrollment encountered an unexpected error. |
invalid_permissions | The permissions associated with the Enrollment do not contain "PAYMENTS_INITIATE" or contain unsupported values for this operation. |
invalid_account | The provided account does not exist or is not compatible with the non-redirect flow. |
parameter_not_provided | A required parameter was not provided. |
invalid_parameter | A parameter does not comply with the expected formatting rules. |
idempotency_error | The message content (claim data) differs from the content associated with this idempotency key (x-idempotency-key). |
invalid_account_status | The Enrollment status is incompatible with the operation. |
missing_required_platform_signals | The required signals for the user's platform were not sent in their entirety. |
invalid_fido_origin | The value in the response.clientDataJSON.origin field cannot be verified. |
invalid_rp | The value in the response.attestationObject.authData.rpIdHash field cannot be verified. |
invalid_challenge | The response.clientDataJSON.challenge field has a different encoded value than the one generated by the server. |
invalid_public_key | The public key sent is incompatible with the FIDO2 server definitions. |
invalid_extension | The extracted extensions are incompatible with the FIDO2 server security guidelines. |
invalid_status | The Enrollment status does not allow cancellation. |
rejection_reason | The rejection of the Enrollment must be associated with a rejection reason. |
rejected_other_no_details | The use of the reason REJECTED_OTHER must be accompanied by a description (additionalInformation). |
revocation_reason | The revocation of the Enrollment must be associated with a revocation reason. |
revoked_other_no_details | The use of the reason REVOKED_OTHER must be accompanied by a description (additionalInformation). |
Payment intents
Whenever there is a new payment intent created by the Belvo application (that is, when the payment intent is created asynchronously and not as a result of a direct POST call), you will receive the following webhook:
"webhook_id": "3b9a69f7-0f0a-455b-832d-49ad6fd4905c",
"webhook_type": "PAYMENT_INTENTS",
"webhook_code": "OBJECT_CREATED",
"object_id": "7d01c4cf-57ed-4ed9-b109-a5bfb2d8c42b",
"external_id": "c3c51aaf-aaa3-400c-926d-87ab62e195fd",
"data": null
Once you receive the notification, you can get details on the payment intent by making the following request:
curl --request GET 'https://api.belvo.com/payments/br/payment_intents/{id}/' \
-u [Secret Key ID]:[Secret Key PASSWORD]
is theobject_id
of the payment intent (which you receive in the webhook event).
You'll receive a webhook event whenever the status of a payment intent is updated to:
Event | Sent when |
REQUIRES_PAYMENT_METHOD | Additional details are required to complete the payment intent flow. |
REQUIRES_ACTION | You have sent through confirm=true in the payment intent flow and Belvo now initiates the payment flow in the open finance network. |
PROCESSING | The payment is being processed in the open finance network. |
SCHEDULED | The payment is 'paused' until the scheduled payment date. |
CANCELED | The scheduled payment intent was canceled. |
SUCCEEDED | The payment has been confirmed and processed by the open finance network. |
FAILED | The payment has been rejected by the user, the user hasn't provided consent for the payment, or there has been a general error in the open finance network. |
webhook when using payment linksYou will also receive
webhooks when using payment links. Please see the Widget payment process of our OFPI inflow payments article for in-depth information regarding when each webhook event is sent.
"webhook_id": "3b9a69f7-0f0a-455b-832d-49ad6fd4905c",
"webhook_type": "PAYMENT_INTENTS",
"webhook_code": "STATUS_UPDATE",
"object_id": "d2e40773-19f6-48d1-93c3-3590ec0c74df",
"external_id": "c3c51aaf-aaa3-400c-926d-87ab62e195fd",
"data": {
"status": "SUCCEEDED",
"end_to_end_id": "E432158152024081610416f2b595b056",
"metadata": {"internal_reference_id": "GGq12345w2"}
"webhook_id": "3b9a69f7-0f0a-455b-832d-49ad6fd4905c",
"webhook_type": "PAYMENT_INTENTS",
"webhook_code": "STATUS_UPDATE",
"object_id": "d2e40773-19f6-48d1-93c3-3590ec0c74df",
"external_id": "c3c51aaf-aaa3-400c-926d-87ab62e195fd",
"data": {
"status": "FAILED",
"metadata": {"internal_reference_id": "GGq12345w2"},
"failure_code": "consent_expired",
"failure_message": "The payment consent was not accepted in time.",
"end_to_end_id": "E432158152024081610416f2b595b056",
Once you receive the notification, you can get details on the payment intent by making the following request:
curl --request GET 'https://api.belvo.com/payments/br/payment-intents/{id}' \
-u [Secret Key ID]:[Secret Key PASSWORD]
is theobject_id
of the payment intent (which you receive in the webhook event).
Failure codes and messages
Below is a list of failure_code
s and failure_message
s that you can receive in a Payment Intents webhook when a charge fails:
Code | Message | When it can occur |
AMOUNT_OVER_LIMIT | The payment amount or the number of payments exceeds the limits set by the institution. | Status Update |
AUTHORIZATION_EXPIRED | The authorization time has expired. | Status Update |
CONSENT_PENDING_AUTHORIZATION | Consent pending authorization from multiple levels (status 'PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED').” | Status Update |
HOLDER_INFRASTRUCTURE_FAILURE | There was a failure in the infrastructure of the account holder. | Status Update |
ICP_INFRASTRUCTURE_FAILURE | There was a failure in the ICP (Infraestrutura de Chaves Públicas) infrastructure.") | Status Update |
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS | The account has insufficient funds to make the payment. | Status Update |
INVALID_CHARGE | The charge is invalid or incorrect. | Status Update |
INVALID_PAYMENT_DETAIL | The payment details provided are invalid. | Status Update |
NOT_INFORMED | No error reason was provided by the institution. | On Creation |
PAYMENT_CONSENT_MISMATCH | The payment details do not match the consent provided. | On Creation |
PAYMENT_REFUSED_BY_HOLDER | The payment was refused by the account holder. | On Creation, Status Update |
PAYMENT_REFUSED_BY_SPI | The payment was refused by the SPI (Sistema de Pagamentos Instantâneos). | Status Update |
PAYMENT_SCHEDULING_FAILURE | There was a failure in scheduling the payment. | Status Update |
RECEIVING_PSP_INFRASTRUCTURE_FAILURE | There was a failure in the infrastructure of the receiving PSP (Payment Service Provider). | Status Update |
SAME_ORIGIN_DESTINATION_ACCOUNTS | The origin and destination accounts are the same. | Status Update |
SPI_INFRASTRUCTURE_FAILURE | There was a failure in the SPI infrastructure. | Status Update |
SPI_REJECTED_PAYMENT | Payment rejected in the Instant Payment System (SPI). | Status Update |
USER_REJECTED | The user rejected the authorization of the consent. | Status Update |
Whenever there is a new transaction created, you will receive the following webhook:
"webhook_id": "3b9a69f7-0f0a-455b-832d-49ad6fd4905c",
"webhook_type": "TRANSACTIONS",
"webhook_code": "OBJECT_CREATED",
"object_id": "d2e40773-19f6-48d1-93c3-3590ec0c74df",
"data": {
"metadata": {"internal_reference_id": "GGq12345w2"},
"end_to_end_id": "E432158152024081610416f2b595b056",
Once you receive the notification, you can get details on the transaction by making the following request:
curl --request GET 'https://api.belvo.com/payments/br/transactions/{id}/' \
-u [Secret Key ID]:[Secret Key PASSWORD]
is theobject_id
of the transaction (which you receive in the webhook event).
Updated 9 days ago