May 2022

Well, we MAYeth worked a bit of overtime πŸ˜‡.

Dashboard updates

Webhook events!

Ever wanted to see what webhooks we sent? For which link? Well, you don't need to "want" anymore πŸ₯Ή.

Just click on Events in the sidebar and you'll see all the webhooks we've sent (starting from today).

But I know what you're about to ask: will we support searching by...

  • link_id?
  • webhook_id?
  • webhook_code?
  • webhook_type?

And the answer is... YES 😍! We're working hard at it and in a few short weeks we'll roll it out πŸ’ͺ.

πŸŽ‰ New

  • Full method support for our Tax Retentions resource
    We've added the full suite of methods for our Tax Retentions resource. Now you can list all the tax retentions associated with your Belvo account, get the details for just one, or delete it!

  • More institutions and products supported for Investment Portfolios!
    We added a new institution, Orama, as well as expanded the investment products we support for Santander Retail (Brazil).

  • Caixa Retail (Brazil) authorization flow
    We've added a pretty detailed explanation regarding Caixa's authorization flow for connecting a new account. Check it out in our MFA edge cases section!

πŸ’ͺ Improved

  • Python SDK docs now autogenerate
    We've worked really hard in order to increase our automation for SDK docs. And now, our Python docs will never be out of step!

  • Improved Open API specification
    We'll be making our API reference Open API spec publicly available for everyone in the next few weeks. It included a whole host of additional information that will help you integrate with Belvo even faster.

  • Added required and nullable fields to our Enrichment resources
    Now, you'll never need to wonder which fields our API always returns. It'll be clear as day in our documentation!

  • Query filter for our List methods
    We added the recommendation to use the account or link id when using our List methods to improve your performance.

⚠️ Deprecated

  • We sunset our Statements resource on 09.05.2022.
  • For gig economy transactions, we deprecated the pickup_latitude, pickup_longitude, dropoff_latitude, and dropoff_longitude parameters due to changes in our gig-economy providers' platforms.
  • Removed the already-deprecated encryption request body parameter from our documentation.

🐞 Fixed

  • Our Node SDK docs displayed all methods twice due to a small bug. Now we we will never duplicate another method again again!

  • The session and request IDs previously stated that they were UUIDs separated with hyphens, when in fact we actually remove the hyphens. Sorryaboutthat.

  • Owner document_id and document_number were incorrectly labeled as UUIDs, when in fact they're alphanumeric strings.

  • Fixed a whole host of examples in our API reference (such as settlement_date, operation_date, incorrect UUID formt for id examples, enums for investment portfolios, and much much more).

With ❀️, the "dear-god-we-ate-too-much-during-the-holidays" Belvo development team.