Fiscal aggregation (Mexico)

Use our Fiscal product to access invoices, tax compliance statuses, tax returns, tax retentions, and tax statuses from the fiscal authority in a given country.

We refer to links created with a fiscal institution (such as Mexico's SAT) as fiscal links.

Our Fiscal Aggregation (Mexico) product offers a comprehensive suite of resources that integrates with Mexico's SAT (Servicio de Administración Tributaria) to automate the retrieval of critical financial and tax documents. These resources provide businesses with the tools to manage tax compliance, financial reporting, and regulatory requirements more efficiently.

Our Fiscal Aggregation (Mexico) product provides access to the following resources:

Financial Statements

Our Financial Statements resource provides a detailed overview of a company, including balance sheets and income statements, specific to Mexico. These financial statements offer a comprehensive view of a company's financial position and performance, covering assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, and expenses for a given year. This resource is essential for understanding the financial health and operational results of companies operating in Mexico.


Our Invoices resource retrieves information from Mexico's SAT regarding Facturas Electrónicas (also known as CFDIs). These electronic invoices record and validate transactions between businesses and individuals. Each invoice includes details such as the goods or services provided, amounts paid, applicable taxes, and the tax status of the parties involved.


SAT invoice limits

SAT imposes limits on the number of invoices you can download per day. For more information, as well as potential workarounds, see our help center article.

Tax retentions

Our Tax Retentions resource retrieves information from Mexico’s SAT regarding the withholdings (retenciones) a taxpayer (individual or business) has made or received. These reports cover payments subject to tax withholding, such as those made to employees, contractors, or service providers, as well as other financial transactions.

Tax returns

Our Tax Returns resource provides access to both Yearly and Monthly tax returns (Declaraciones Fiscales) filed with the SAT.

  • Yearly Tax Returns (Declaración Anual): Summarize the entire fiscal year's financial activity for businesses and individuals. They include details on income, expenses, deductions, and taxes owed or refundable.
  • Monthly Tax Returns (Declaración Mensual): Summarize the monthly income, VAT, payroll taxes, and other taxes.


The data structure will be different depending on if it is a monthly or yearly tax return as well as if it is related to a person or a business (you will find examples for both in the API reference).

Tax status

Our Tax Status resource retrieves information from SAT’s Constancia de Situación Fiscal document, which contains key tax-related information about an individual or business entity, such as their Tax ID (RFC), tax regime, registered address, and economic activities.


The tax status data structure will be different depending on if it is related to a person or a business.

Tax compliance status

Our Tax Compliance Status resource retrieves information from SAT’s Opinión de Cumplimiento de Obligaciones Fiscales document, which certifies whether an individual or business entity is up to date with their tax obligations.