Fiscal aggregation

Use our Fiscal product to access invoices, tax compliance statuses, tax returns, tax retentions, and tax statuses from the fiscal authority in a given country.

We refer to links created with a fiscal institution (such as Mexico's SAT or Colombia's DIAN) as fiscal links.

Financial Statements

Our Financial Statements resource provides a detailed overview of a company, including balance sheets and income statements, specific to Mexico.


Check out our new guide!

We're changing some things in our documentation and we're starting with Financial Statements! Part of this change is that we've created:


Our Invoices endpoint lets you retrieve the electronic representation of an invoice, uploaded to the fiscal institution's website, that a business or individual has received or sent.

You can retrieve multiple INFLOW (received) and OUTFLOW (sent) invoices for each fiscal institution link.

At the moment, the Invoices resource is available for:

  • 🇲🇽 Mexico (SAT)

We offer the following methods when it comes to interacting with Invoices:

RetrievePOSTRetrieve invoices information from a specific fiscal link.
ListGETList all existing invoices in your Belvo account.
DetailGETGet the details of a specific invoice.
DestroyDELETEDelete a specific invoice from your Belvo account.


SAT invoice limits

SAT imposes limits on the number of invoices you can download per day. For more information, as well as potential workarounds, see our help center article.

Tax compliance status

Our Tax compliance status endpoint lets you retrieve information about whether a person or business is complying with their tax obligations at the moment of your request.

  • For SAT (Mexico), this information is extracted from the Opinión de cumplimiento de Obligaciones Fiscales document.

At the moment, the Tax compliance status resource is available for:

  • 🇲🇽 Mexico (SAT)

We offer the following methods when it comes to interacting with Tax compliance statuses:

RetrievePOSTRetrieve the Tax compliance status information from a specific fiscal link.
ListGETList all existing Tax compliance statuses in your Belvo account.
DetailGETGet the details of a specific Tax compliance status.
DestroyDELETEDelete a specific Tax compliance status from your Belvo account.

Tax returns

Our Tax returns endpoint lets you retrieve the electronic representation of the tax return document (both yearly and monthly) sent by a person or a business to the tax authority in the country.

At the moment, the Tax returns resource is available for:

  • 🇲🇽 Mexico (SAT)


The data structure will be different depending on if it is a monthly or yearly tax return as well as if it is related to a person or a business (you will find examples for both in the API reference).

We offer the following methods when it comes to interacting with Tax returns:

RetrievePOSTRetrieve tax return information from a specific fiscal link.
ListGETList all existing tax returns in your Belvo account.
DetailGETGet the details of a specific tax return.
DestroyDELETEDelete a specific tax return from your Belvo account.

Tax retentions

Our Tax retentions endpoint lets you retrieve the electronic representation of a tax retention document, uploaded to the fiscal institution's website, that a business or individual has received or sent. You can retrieve multiple INFLOW (received) and OUTFLOW (sent) invoices for each fiscal institution link.

At the moment, the Invoices resource is available for:

  • 🇲🇽 Mexico (SAT)

We offer the following methods when it comes to interacting with Tax retentions:

RetrievePOSTRetrieve tax retention information from a specific link.
ListGETList all existing tax retentions in your Belvo account.
DetailGETGet the details of a specific tax retention.
DestroyDELETEDelete a specific tax retention from your Belvo account.

Tax status

Our Tax status endpoint lets you retrieve information about a person's or business's tax situation, according to the country's tax authority.

  • For SAT (Mexico), this information is extracted from the Constancia de situación fiscal document.

At the moment, the Invoices resource is available for:

  • 🇲🇽 Mexico (SAT)


The tax status data structure will be different depending on if it is related to a person or a business.

We offer the following methods when it comes to interacting with Tax statuses:

RetrievePOSTRetrieve tax status information from a specific fiscal link.
ListGETList all existing tax status in your Belvo account.
DetailGETGet the details of a specific tax status.
DestroyDELETEDelete a specific tax status from your Belvo account.