My Belvo Portal (OFDA)


The My Belvo Portal (MBP) allows users to manage the consent they have previously given to applications (using Belvo's OFDA product) to access their data in the Open Finance Network.


Consent management compliance

As of part of Brazil's Open Finance Network's regulations, all individuals and companies must be able to manage the consents they have granted to applications accessing their personal data. Consequently, your application must offer straightforward and easily accessible options for users to access the My Belvo Portal. This can be achieved by linking directly to Belvo's instance or integrating your own custom instance.

The MeuBelvo Portal login screens and consent list

The My Belvo Portal login screens and consent list

In your application, you can direct their users to manage their consents by using either:

  • Using Belvo's universal MBP instance.
  • Initiating an instance of the MBP that will only display the consents your users have given your application.

MBP on Belvo's Website

On Belvo's website, we host a universal instance of the MBP that any user can use to manage their consents. This instance consolidates all the consents they have granted using Belvo's OFDA product.

In your application, you can direct your users to Belvo's universal MBP instance using this URL:

If you would like your users to only see the consents they have granted your application, see MBP customized consent view.

MBP customized consent view

You can customize the MBP to display only consents that your user has granted your application, making it easier for them to manage their consents.

To create a customized MBP that only displays consents granted to your application:

  1. Create an access_token (For individuals, you will need to provide their CPF details. For businesses, both the CPF and CNPJ details are required).
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Host:' \
  -d 'See payload examples below''
// Individual
  "id": "{{secretId}}",
  "password": "{{secretPassword}}",
  "scopes": "read_consents,write_consents,write_consent_callback",
  "widget": {
    "openfinance_feature": "consent_management",
    "consent": {
      "terms_and_conditions_url": "url_to_your_terms_and_conditions",
      "permissions": [
      "identification_info": [
          "type": "CPF",
          "number": "individual_cpf",
          "name": "individual_full_name"

// Business
  "id": "{{secretId}}",
  "password": "{{secretPassword}}",
  "scopes": "read_consents,write_consents,write_consent_callback",
  "widget": {
    "openfinance_feature": "consent_management",
    "consent": {
      "terms_and_conditions_url": "url_to_your_terms_and_conditions",
      "permissions": [
      "identification_info": [
          "type": "CPF",
          "number": "individual_cpf",
          "name": "individual_full_name"
          "type": "CNPJ",
          "number": "business_cnpj",
          "name": "business_name"

  1. Add the access_token to the MBP URL:{accessToken}.
  2. Provide your user with the generated URL.

❇️ Done! Once your user logs in to the MBP, they will be able to manage the consents they have granted your application.

Consent renewal with the MBP

The MBP can also be used to renew an expired consent. Belvo will send you a webhook when one of your user's consent's has expired. An example webhook payload is as follows:

  "webhook_id": "e6f08793f967445fb74ce16beae665bc",
  "webhook_type": "CONSENT",
  "webhook_code": "consent_expired",
  "link_id": "3d3364b7-0175-483d-a58b-b471f251e533", // The link ID associated with the consent.
  "external_id": null,
  "data": {
    "consent_id": "29a54e55-21f0-4d02-8e34-797ab7d43940", // The consent ID.
    "action": "renew", // An indication of what action you need to take. For consent_expired webhooks, this is always set to renew.
    "institution": "ofmockbank_br_retail", // The institution that the user provided their consent for.
    "institution_display_name": "OF Mockbank", // The display name of the institution.
    "institution_icon_logo": "" // The URL to the institution's logo.

After receiving the webhook, you can set the MBP to ‘renew consent’ mode by creating a URL with the following information:
Query FieldDescriptionExample
access_tokenA newly generated access_token for the MBP. For instructions on how to create an access_token for the MBP, see the MBP customized consent view section.N/A
link_idThe link_id you received in the consent_expiredwebhook event.link_id=6b94a043-9a96-4dd3-b889-30f4dcbd9608
consent_idThe consent_id you received in the consent_expiredwebhook event (located in the data object).consent_id=2c63f6a0-22ea-4edf-a15c-9c1c2f92a20d
institutionThe institution you received in the consent_expiredwebhook event (located in the data object).institution=ofc_mockbank_br
institution_display_nameThe institution_display_name (URL encoded) you received in the consent_expiredwebhook event (located in the data object).institution_display_name=OF%20Mockbank
institution_icon_logoThe institution_icon_logo URL you received in the consent_expiredwebhook event (located in the data object).institution_icon_logo=
actionThe action in the consent_expiredwebhook event (located in the data object). For consent_expiredwebhooks, this action will always be renew.action=renew

Directing your users to this URL will automatically guide them through the consent renewal process.