SAT catalogs

Reference article containing SAT catalog codes and descriptions 🧾.


The currency of an invoice. SAT reference: c_Moneda.
SAT provides the currency as a three-letter code according to the ISO 4217 specification, for example:

MXNMexican peso
USDUS dollar

Payment method

The payment method used for an invoice. SAT reference: c_MetodoPago

PUEOne payment
PPDPartial payments

Payment type

The payment type used for this invoice. SAT referece: c_FormaPago.

02Payroll check
03Electronic transfer
04Credit card
05Electronic wallet
06Digital money
08Meal vouchers
13Payment by subrogation
14Payment by consignment
25Debt remittance
26Prescription or expiration
27To creditor satisfaction
28Debit card
29Service card
30Application of advances
31Intermediary payments
99To define

Payroll type

The payroll type. SAT referece: c_TipoNomina.

OOrdinary payslip (NΓ³mina ordinaria)
EExtraordinary payslip (NΓ³mina extraordinaria)


The regimen type.

Regimen typeVersionPersonalBusiness
General law moral persons (General de Ley Personas Morales)3.3 and 4.0NoYes
Legal Entities with Non-Profit Purposes (Personas Morales con Fines no Lucrativos)3.3 and 4.0NoYes
Wages and Salaries and Income Assimilated to Salaries (Sueldos y Salarios e Ingresos Asimilados a Salarios)3.3 and 4.0YesNo
Leasing (Arrendamiento)3.3 and 4.0YesNo
Real Estate Acquisitions and Disposals Regime (RΓ©gimen de EnajenaciΓ³n o AdquisiciΓ³n de Bienes)3.3 and 4.0YesNo
Other incomes (DemΓ‘s ingresos)3.3 and 4.0YesNo
Consolidation (ConsolidaciΓ³n)3.3NoYes
Residents Abroad without Permanent Establishment in Mexico (Residentes en el Extranjero sin Establecimiento Permanente en MΓ©xico)3.3 and 4.0YesYes
Dividend Income (partners and shareholders) (Ingresos por Dividendos (socios y accionistas))3.3 and 4.0YesNo
Individuals with Business and Professional Activities (Personas FΓ­sicas con Actividades Empresariales y Profesionales)3.3 and 4.0YesNo
Interest income (Ingresos por intereses)3.3 and 4.0YesNo
Income derived from bonus regimes (RΓ©gimen de los ingresos por obtenciΓ³n de premios)3.3 and 4.0YesNo
No tax obligations (Sin obligaciones fiscales)3.3 and 4.0YesNo
Production Cooperative Societies that choose to defer their income (Sociedades Cooperativas de ProducciΓ³n que optan por diferir sus ingresos)3.3 and 4.0NoYes
Tax Incorporation Regime (IncorporaciΓ³n Fiscal)3.3 and 4.0YesNo
Agricultural, Livestock, Forestry and Fishing Activities (Actividades AgrΓ­colas, Ganaderas, SilvΓ­colas y Pesqueras)3.3 and 4.0NoYes
Optional for Corporate Groups (Opcional para Grupos de Sociedades)3.3 and 4.0NoYes
Coordinates (Coordinados)3.3 and 4.0NoYes
Regime of Business Activities with income through Technological Platforms (RΓ©gimen de las Actividades Empresariales con ingresos a travΓ©s de Plataformas TecnolΓ³gicas)3.3 and 4.0YesYes
Simplified Trust Regime (RΓ©gimen Simplificado de Confianza)3.3 and 4.0YesYes
Hydrocarbons (Hidrocarburos)3.3NoYes
On Preferential Tax Regimes and Multinational Companies (De los RegΓ­menes Fiscales Preferentes y de las Empresas Multinacionales)3.3YesNo
Disposal of shares on the stock market (EnajenaciΓ³n de acciones en bolsa de valores)3.3YesNo

Provided service or product

Describes the product or service provided. SAT reference: c_ClaveProdServ
Please see the SAT website for an up-to-date list.

Retention code

The retention code detailed in the tax retention invoice.

01Professional services (Servicios profesionales)
02Copyright royalties (RegalΓ­as por derechos de autor)
03Freight transport (Autotransporte terrestre de carga)
04Services provided by commission agents (Servicios prestados por comisionistas)
05Leasing (Arrendamiento)
06Disposal of shares (EnajenaciΓ³n de acciones)
07Disposal of assets subject to theΒ LIEPS, through intermediaries, agents, representatives, brokers, consignees, or distributors (EnajenaciΓ³n de bienes objeto de la LIEPS, a travΓ©s de mediadores, agentes, representantes, corredores, consignatarios o distribuidores)
08Disposal of real estate consigned in a notarized deed (EnajenaciΓ³n de bienes inmuebles consignada en escritura pΓΊblica)
09Disposal of other assets not consigned in a notarized deed (EnajenaciΓ³n de otros bienes, no consignada en escritura pΓΊblica)
10Acquisition of industrial waste (AdquisiciΓ³n de desperdicios industriales)
11Acquisition of assets consigned in a notarized deed (AdquisiciΓ³n de bienes consignada en escritura pΓΊblica)
12Acquisition of other assets not consigned in notarized deed (AdquisiciΓ³n de otros bienes, no consignada en escritura pΓΊblica)
13Other withdrawals from AFORE accounts (Otros retiros de AFORE)
14Distributed dividends or earnings (Dividendos o utilidades distribuidas)
15Distributable carryover (Remanente distribuible)
16Interests (Intereses)
17Escrow Lease (Arrendamiento en fideicomiso)
18Payments made to residents in a foreign country (Pagos realizados a favor de residentes en el extranjero)
19Disposal of shares or stock exchange transactions (EnajenaciΓ³n de acciones u operaciones en bolsa de valores)
20Winnings (ObtenciΓ³n de premios)
21Trusts not engaged in business activities (Fideicomisos que no realizan actividades empresariales)
22Personal retirement plans (Planes personales de retiro)
23Deductible real interest on mortgage loans (Intereses reales deducibles por crΓ©ditos hipotecarios)
24Financial transactions derived from equity (Operaciones financieras derivadas de capital)
25Other retention types (Otro tipo de retenciones)
26Technology services (Servicios tecnolΓ³gicos)

Unit code

The unit of measurement for an item. SAT reference: c_ClaveUnidad.

ABBulk packSeveral
ACTActivitySale units
BBBase boxIndustry specific units (several)
DAYDayTime and space
DPCDozens of piecesSale units
E48Service UnitIndustry specific units (several)
E51JobIndustry specific units (several)
E54TripIndustry specific units (several)
EAElementSale units
H87PartMultiples / Fractions / Decimals
HURTimeTime and space
KTKitSale units
LTRLiterTime and space
MLTMilliliterTime and space
MONMonthTime and space
MTKSquare meterTime and space
MTRMeterTime and space
PRPairIntegers / Numbers / Ratios
SETSetSale units
XBXBoxPackaging units
XKIKit (Set of parts)Packaging units
XLTLotPackaging units
XPKPackagePackaging units
xunUnitPackaging units


The usage type of an invoice. SAT reference: c_UsoCFDI.
Please note that the table below includes the usage types for both version 3.3 and 4.0.

CodeDescriptionSAT Version
D01Medical, dental, and hospital fees3.3 and 4.0
D02Medical expenses for disability or disability3.3 and 4.0
D03Funeral expenses3.3 and 4.0
D04Donations3.3 and 4.0
D05Real interest paid on mortgage loans3.3 and 4.0
D06Voluntary contributions to the SAR3.3 and 4.0
D07Medical expense insurance3.3 and 4.0
D08School transportation expenses3.3 and 4.0
D09Deposits in savings accounts, premiums based on pension plans3.3 and 4.0
D10Payments for educational services3.3 and 4.0
G01Acquisition of merchandise3.3 and 4.0
G02Refund, discounts or bonuses3.3 and 4.0
G03General expenses3.3 and 4.0
I01Buildings3.3 and 4.0
I02Furniture and office equipment3.3 and 4.0
I03Transport equipment3.3 and 4.0
I04Computer equipment and accessories3.3 and 4.0
I05Dies, punches, molds, matrices, and tooling3.3 and 4.0
I06Telephone communications3.3 and 4.0
I07Satellite communications3.3 and 4.0
I08Other machinery and equipment3.3 and 4.0
P01To define3.3
S01No fiscal effect4.0