With our employment aggregation product, you also have access to owner information for each of your users. For example, for each of your employment aggregation links, you can retrieve their:
- full name
- document ID information
- email address
To retrieve owner information for your employment aggregation users, just use the same resource as for our banking aggregation product:
Endpoints | Method | Description |
Retrieve | POST | Retrieve the owner detail of a specific link. |
List | GET | List all owners associated to your Belvo account. |
Resume | PATCH | Resume an Owner Retrieve session that was paused because an MFA token was required by the institution. |
Detail | GET | Get the details of a specific owner. |
Destroy | DELETE | Delete a specific owner from your Belvo account. |
Employment aggregation supports owners too!
For each employment aggregation link you create, you can also query the owners resource to get key information about the user.