Payment Methods (Direct Debit Mexico)

Payment methods are bank accounts that can be reused for multiple payments. Money will be debited from payment methods when a payment request targeting the method is created and executed.

Payment method flow

In the diagram below, you can see the payment method creation flow (along with the statuses that the payment method will go through).

pending_agreement_acceptanceThe method needs to be accepted by the bank account owner. This can be done either by sending a Setup Link to the owner or by using our Agreements API resource.
pending_activationThe method will be picked up by our automated process and sent to the banking provider for registration.
waiting_for_activation_responseThe owner has accepted the payment method. The registration and charge files have been generated.

The financial institution now needs to send a response regarding bank account information (OK or Not OK).
activeThe financial institution has successfully confirmed the bank account registration. The payment method can now be used for payment requests.

Note: The status can change to inactive if the owner cancels or removes the payment method at the financial institution.
errorThe financial institution was not able to confirm the bank account registration (usually due to the owner providing incorrect bank account information or an error in the financial institution).
inactiveThe payment method cannot be used. This is usually due to the owner canceling their account and the financial institution informing us that the method is no longer valid.