Scheduled and Recurrent Pix

With Belvo’s Scheduled and Recurring Pix product, you can schedule your payments to occur in the future.

Scheduled vs Recurrent Pix

A Scheduled Pix (Pix Agendado) is an automatic transaction where a predetermined amount of money is withdrawn from a customer’s account to pay for a service or product. This payment is a one-time payment via Pix.

A Recurrent Pix (Pix Recorrente), is an automatic transaction where a predetermined amount of money is regularly withdrawn from a customer’s account to pay for a service or product. These payments are typically scheduled at regular intervals, such as weekly, monthly, or annually, and are used for bills like utilities, subscriptions, memberships, loan repayments, or rent.

To make things easier, we've made sure that the integration steps for Scheduled and Recurring Pix are the same 🤩.

Integration options

For Scheduled and Recurring Pix, we offer one integration option:

Direct API

Customize the user experience according to your brand needs and use our API to create and process payments.

We recommend this flow if your team has a dedicated set of engineers, product people, and designers to design and implement the payment flows and necessary screens, taking into account the regulatory requirements as this is a product regulated by the Brazilian Central Bank.

Check out our dedicated Direct API (Scheduled and Recurring Pix) guide for the step-by-step instructions.

What payment frequencies are available?

Belvo currently supports the following scheduled payment types for our Scheduled and Recurring Pix product:

TypeDescriptionMax Occurrences
SingleA one-time transaction for a specific future date.1
DailyDaily fixed-amount recurring payments.60 consecutive days
WeeklyDaily fixed-amount recurring payments that occur on a specific day of the week.60 consecutive weeks
MonthlyMonthly fixed-amount recurring payments that occur on a specific day of the month.24 consecutive months
CustomFixed-amount recurring payments that occur on specified dates.60 dates up to two years in the future

When are scheduled and recurring payments processed?

According to Brazil's Open Finance Network regulations, financial institutions must process scheduled payments according to the table below.

AttemptTimeframe (GMT-3)Notified if failed?
First00:00 - 08:00No
Second18:00 - 21:00Yes

If the first attempt to extract funds results in a failure, the institution will try again to process the payment later the same day. You are only notified that the given payment has failed after all attempts result in a failure.


Multiple retry attempts

Financial institutions in the Open Finance Network must at least make one attempt to retry the payment in the 18:00-21:00 timeframe. However, the institution can make additional attempts in this period if they want to.

What happens to failed scheduled payments?

In the case that a singular Charge fails (the payment cannot be settled) from a set of scheduled Charges, it does not affect the remaining scheduled Charges.

For example, in the case that you have five scheduled weekly Charges, and the second Charge is unsuccessful, the remaining three remain scheduled:

Charge NumberDateOutcome
Three2024-06-17Remains scheduled
Four2024-06-24Remains scheduled
Five2024-07-01Remains scheduled


It is not possible to retry a failed Charge. We recommend you contact your user and then create a separate one-time Payment Intent to retrieve funds from the user.

Can scheduled and recurring payments be canceled?

Yes, either individual payments or all payments (the whole schedule) can be canceled. The merchant can cancel via Belvo and the end-user can cancel directly on the institution's app/internet banking. For more details, see:

  • Cancel the whole schedule
  • Cancel an individual payment

Can scheduled and recurring payments be modified?

No. Once approved, the payments are not modifiable. If any changes need to be made, the merchant needs to cancel the individual payments and issue immediate single payments to replace them, or cancel the whole schedule and setup a new schedule. These new payments (individual or new schedule) will require a new authentication from the end-user as they generate new consents.