Branding and Customization (Biometric Pix Widget)

With Belvo's Biometric Pix Widget, you can optionally add the following branding and customization:

Set color scheme


Once you set the color_scheme, you can add additional customizations to individual elements of the widget (see the detailed sections below). You do not have to include all the possible css_keys. You can just set the keys (and values) that you want to modify.

You can set whether the widget should display in a light or dark color scheme. By default, the widget will start in LIGHT color scheme. The widget's color scheme does not automatically change according to the user's system settings.


To add your set which theme you want, just add either LIGHT or DARK to the color_scheme key in the branding object:

  "widget": {
    "branding": {
      "color_scheme": "LIGHT",

Custom animation

You can add a custom animation to display when the widget starts. You will need to first share the file with Belvo so that we can ensure that it will load correctly in the widget.

To modify the widget's primary colors:

  1. Add the theme array to the widget object.
  2. For each item you want to modify, add an object that has the keys css_key and value (see the code sample below).
  "widget": {
    "branding": {}, // Your customized branding
    "theme": [
        "css_key": "--animation-file-name",
        "value": "name_of_file_shared_with_belvo"
      }, // Add additional theming options here

Modify the primary colors

You can customize the color scheme by modifying the primary active and background colors

CSS VariableDefault (light)Default (dark)Description
--color-primary-base#0663f9#0254D9Sets the active color for the navigation bar 'stepper'.
--color-surface-base#FFFFFF1C1C1ESets the inactive color for the navigation bar 'stepper'.

To modify the widget's primary colors:

  1. Add the theme array to the widget object.
  2. For each item you want to modify, add an object that has the keys css_key and value (see the code sample below). The color values can be either in HEX, RGB, or RGBA format.
  "widget": {
    "branding": {}, // Your customized branding
    "theme": [
        "css_key": "--color-primary-base",
        "value": "#0663f9"
        "css_key": "--color-surface-base",
        "value": "#FFFFFF"
      }, // Add additional theming options here

Modify the widget navigation bar

You can customize the widget's navigation bar by modifying the colors to suit your brand's needs:

The possible modifications are listed in the table below:

CSS VariableDefault (light)Default (dark)Description
--nav-bar-stepper-color-active#0663F9#E1ECFESets the active color for the navigation bar 'stepper'.
--nav-bar-stepper-color#6C8193#FFFFFF with 90% opacitySets the inactive color for the navigation bar 'stepper'.
--nav-bar-icon-color#161A1D#FFFFFF with 90% opacitySets the color of navigation bar icons.
--nav-bar-background-color#FFFFFF#1C1C1EDefines the background color of the navigation bar.
--nav-bar-border-color#E2E6E9#525866Specifies the border color of the navigation bar.

To modify the widget's navigation bar:

  1. Add the theme array to the widget object.
  2. For each item you want to modify, add an object that has the keys css_key and value (see the code sample below). The color values can be either in HEX, RGB, or RGBA format.
  "widget": {
    "branding": {}, // Your customized branding
    "theme": [
        "css_key": "--nav-bar-stepper-color-active",
        "value": "#0663F9"
        "css_key": "--nav-bar-stepper-color",
        "value": "#6C8193"
        "css_key": "--nav-bar-icon-color",
        "value": "#161A1D"
        "css_key": "--nav-bar-background-color",
        "value": "#FFFFFF"
        "css_key": "--nav-bar-border-color",
        "value": "#E2E6E9"
      }, // Add additional theming options here

Modify the widget buttons

You can customize the widget's buttons by modifying the colors and border radiuses to suit your brand's needs:

The possible modifications are listed in the table below:

CSS VariableDefault (light)Default (dark)Description
--button-font-color#ffffff#ffffffSets the font color for buttons.
--button-font-color-disabled#ffffff#ffffff with 90% opacityDefines the font color for disabled buttons.
--button-border-radius2px2pxSpecifies the border radius of buttons.
--button-background-color-disabled#009EE3#2B303BDefines the background color for disabled buttons.
--button-opacity-disabled0.20.2Specifies the opacity for disabled buttons.
--button-border-color-disabled#CDE0FE#525866Sets the border color for disabled buttons.

To make modifications to the widget's buttons:

  1. Add the theme array to the widget object.
  2. For each item you want to modify, add an object that has the keys css_key and value (see the code sample below). The color values can be either in HEX, RGB, or RGBA format.
  "widget": {
    "branding": {}, // Your customized branding
    "theme": [
        "css_key": "--button-font-color",
        "value": "#ffffff"
        "css_key": "--button-font-color-disabled",
        "value": "#ffffff"
        "css_key": "--button-border-radius",
        "value": "2px"
        "css_key": "--button-background-color-disabled",
        "value": "#009EE3"
        "css_key": "--button-opacity-disabled",
        "value": "0.2"
        "css_key": "--button-border-color-disabled",
        "value": "#CDE0FE"

Modify the widget selector fields

You can customize the widget's selector fields to suit your brand's needs:

The possible modifications are listed in the table below:

CSS VariableDefault (light)Default (dark)Description
--border-radius2px2pxThe radius of the button selector.
--container-border-color-active#0663F9#0254D9The color of the active selection.
--container-border-color-default#E2E6E9#525866The color of the inactive selection.
--container-border-shadow-color#9CC1FC#9CC1FCThe shadow for the active selection.

To modify the widget's selector fields:

  1. Add the theme array to the widget object.
  2. For each item you want to modify, add an object that has the keys css_key and value (see the code sample below). The color values can be either in HEX, RGB, or RGBA format.
  "widget": {
    "branding": {}, // Your customized branding
    "theme": [
        "css_key": "--border-radius",
        "value": "2px"
        "css_key": "--container-border-color-active",
        "value": "#0663F9"
        "css_key": "--container-border-color-default",
        "value": "#E2E6E9"
        "css_key": "--container-border-shadow-color",
        "value": "#9CC1FC"
      }, // Add additional theming options here

Modify the widget banners (callouts)

You can customize the widget's banners to suit your brand's needs:

The possible modifications are listed in the table below:

CSS VariableDefault (light)Default (dark)Description
--banner-border-radius4px4pxSpecifies the border radius of banners.
--banner-background-color#ffffff#22252BSets the background color of banners.
--banner-border-color#e2e6e9#e2e6e9Specifies the border color of banners.
--banner-border-color-left-error#f90e06#f90e06Left border color for error banners.
--banner-border-color-left-success#59c837#59c837Left border color for success banners.
--banner-border-color-left-info#0663F9#0663F9Left border color for info banners.
--banner-border-color-left-warning#f9c806#f9c806Left border color for warning banners.
--banner-icon-color-error#f90e06#f90e06Icon color for error banners.
--banner-icon-color-success#59c837#59c837Icon color for success banners.
--banner-icon-color-info#0663F9#0663F9Icon color for info banners.
--banner-icon-color-warning#f9c806#f9c806Icon color for warning banners.
--banner-title-color#161a1d#FFFFFF with 95% opacitySets the color of banner titles.
--banner-body-color#414d58#FFFFFF with 90% opacitySpecifies the color of banner body text.
--banner-title-font-weight600600Defines the font weight of banner titles.
--banner-body-font-weight600600Specifies the font weight of banner body text.
--banner-box-shadow0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)#0 2px 4px 0 rgb(82,88,102)Adds a shadow effect to banners.

To make modifications to the widget's banners:

  1. Add the theme array to the widget object.
  2. For each item you want to modify, add an object that has the keys css_key and value (see the code sample below). The color values can be either in HEX, RGB, or RGBA format.
  "widget": {
    "branding": {}, // Your customized branding
    "theme": [
        "css_key": "--banner-border-radius",
        "value": "4px"
        "css_key": "--banner-background-color",
        "value": "#ffffff"
        "css_key": "--banner-border-color",
        "value": "#e2e6e9"
        "css_key": "--banner-border-color-left-error",
        "value": "#f90e06"
        "css_key": "--banner-border-color-left-success",
        "value": "#59c837"
        "css_key": "--banner-border-color-left-info",
        "value": "#0663F9"
        "css_key": "--banner-border-color-left-warning",
        "value": "#f9c806"
        "css_key": "--banner-icon-color-error",
        "value": "#f90e06"
        "css_key": "--banner-icon-color-success",
        "value": "#59c837"
        "css_key": "--banner-icon-color-info",
        "value": "#0663F9"
        "css_key": "--banner-icon-color-warning",
        "value": "#f9c806"
        "css_key": "--banner-title-color",
        "value": "#161a1d"
        "css_key": "--banner-body-color",
        "value": "#414d58"
        "css_key": "--banner-title-font-weight",
        "value": "600"
        "css_key": "--banner-body-font-weight",
        "value": "600"
        "css_key": "--banner-box-shadow",
        "value": "0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)"

Add your company name

You can add your company name to be displayed when the widget first starts.


To add your company name, just add it to the company_name key in the branding object.

  "widget": {
    "branding": {
      "company_name": "ACME",