Accounts (OFDA)

Read up on the details for Accounts in Belvo's OFDA product.

With Belvo's Open Finance Data Aggregation (OFDA) product for Brazil, our Accounts schema contains significantly more information (especially regarding loan and credit card accounts) with more robust data.


Receivables and fund data

Information regarding receivables pension funds will soon be added to the Open Finance network. According to the Brazilian government, this information should be made available at the end of 2023.

Until then, our API will return null for these objects.

Full example

Below you can see a full example to compare our Standard (Multi-Region) and OFDA (Brazil) schemas.

  "id": "0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d",
  "link": "30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8",
  "institution": {
    "name": "erebor_mx_retail",
    "type": "bank"
  "collected_at": "2019-09-27T13:01:41.941Z",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "category": "CHECKING_ACCOUNT",
  "balance_type": "ASSET",
  "type": "Cuentas de efectivo",
  "name": "Cuenta Perfiles- M.N. - MXN-666",
  "number": "4057068115181",
  "balance": {
    "current": 5874.13,
    "available": 5621.12
  "currency": "MXN",
  "public_identification_name": "CLABE",
  "public_identification_value": "150194683119900273",
  "last_accessed_at": "2021-03-09T10:28:40.000Z",
  "credit_data": {
    "credit_limit": 192000,
    "collected_at": "2019-09-27T13:01:41.941Z",
    "cutting_date": "2019-12-11",
    "next_payment_date": "2019-12-13",
    "minimum_payment": 2400.3,
    "no_interest_payment": 2690.83,
    "interest_rate": 4,
    "end_date": null,
    "monthly_payment": null,
    "last_payment_date": null
  "loan_data": {
    "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
    "contract_amount": 202000,
    "principal": 192000,
    "loan_type": "Consignado",
    "payment_day": "27",
    "outstanding_principal": 142023,
    "outstanding_balance": 182000,
    "monthly_payment": 1000,
    "interest_rates": [
        "name": "jurosEfetivo",
        "type": "MONTHLY",
        "value": 7.85
    "fees": [
        "type": "OPERATION_FEE",
        "value": 5.6
    "number_of_installments_total": 60,
    "number_of_installments_outstanding": 48,
    "contract_start_date": "2020-03-01",
    "contract_end_date": "2027-10-01",
    "contract_number": "890ASLDJF87SD00",
    "credit_limit": null,
    "last_period_balance": null,
    "interest_rate": null,
    "limit_day": null,
    "cutting_day": null,
    "cutting_date": null,
    "last_payment_date": null,
    "no_interest_payment": null
  "funds_data": [
      "collected_at": "2020-04-23T21:32:55.336854+00:00",
      "name": "FIX X",
      "type": "CNPJ",
      "public_identifications": [
          "name": "CNPJ",
          "value": "05.954.445/0221-68"
      "balance": 88427.94,
      "percentage": 100
  "receivables_data": {
    "current": 2193.83,
    "available": 800.37,
    "anticipated": 1393.46,
    "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z"
  "bank_product_id": null,
  "internal_identification": null
  "id": "0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d",
  "link": "30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8",
  "institution": {
    "name": "erebor_mx_retail",
    "type": "bank"
  "collected_at": "2019-09-27T13:01:41.941Z",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "last_accessed_at": "2021-03-09T10:28:40.000Z",
  "category": "CHECKING_ACCOUNT",
  "balance_type": "ASSET",
  "overdraft": {
    "arranged": 5000.5,
    "used": 1000.5,
    "unarranged": 300.1
  "name": "Cuenta Perfiles- M.N. - MXN-666",
  "number": "4057068115181",
  "agency": "6272",
  "check_digit": "7",
  "balance": {
    "current": 5874.13,
    "available": 5621.12,
    "blocked": 60.32,
    "automatically_invested": 131.5
  "currency": "BRL",
  "public_identification_name": "AGENCY/ACCOUNT",
  "public_identification_value": "0444/45722-0",
  "internal_identification": "92792126019929279212650822221989319252576",
  "credit_data": {
    "collected_at": "2019-09-27T13:01:41.941Z",
    "credit_limit": 192000.9,
    "limits": [
        "identification_number": "4453",
        "credit_limit": 1000.04,
        "used_amount": 400.04,
        "available_amount": 600,
        "is_limit_flexible": false,
        "type": "TOTAL_LIMIT",
        "consolidation_type": "INDIVIDUAL",
        "line_name": "CREDITO_A_VISTA",
        "line_name_additional_info": "Informações adicionais e complementares"
    "cutting_date": "2019-12-11",
    "minimum_payment": 2400.3,
    "network": "MASTERCARD",
    "network_additional_info": "It's an orange card.",
    "cards": [
        "is_multiple": false,
        "identification_number": "4453"
    "next_payment_date": null,
    "no_interest_payment": null,
    "interest_rate": null,
    "end_date": null,
    "monthly_payment": null,
    "last_payment_date": null
  "loan_data": {
    "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
    "loan_code": "92792126019929279212650822221989319252576",
    "contract_amount": 202000,
    "total_effective_cost": 209000,
    "loan_type": "HOME_EQUITY",
    "outstanding_balance": 182000,
    "interest_rates": [
        "name": "NOMINAL",
        "type": "MONTHLY",
        "value": 7.85,
        "interest_rate_data": [
            "tax_type": "NOMINAL",
            "rate_type": "SIMPLE",
            "type": "MONTHLY",
            "calculation_base": "30/360",
            "reference_index_type": "FLOATING",
            "reference_index_subtype": "TR_TBF",
            "reference_index_info": "Additional information",
            "pre_fixed_rate": 0.062,
            "post_fixed_rate": 0.062,
            "additional_info": "Additional information"
    "fees": [
        "type": null,
        "value": 5.6,
        "name": "Renovação de cadastro",
        "code": "CADASTRO",
        "fee_charge_type": "SINGLE",
        "fee_charge": "FIXED",
        "rate": 0.062
    "contracted_charges": [
        "type": "LATE_PAYMENT_INTEREST_FEE",
        "info": "Late fee",
        "rate": 0.062
    "collaterals": [
        "currency": "BRL",
        "amount": 45391.89
    "balloon_payments": [
        "due_date": "2021-09-06",
        "currency": "BRL",
        "amount": 45391.89
    "installments_contract_term_frequency": "MONTH",
    "installment_frequency": "MONTHLY",
    "installment_frequency_info": "Both the term and requency are the same.",
    "first_installment_due_date": "2020-03-01",
    "number_of_installments_total": 60,
    "number_of_installments_outstanding": 48,
    "number_of_installments_paid": 32,
    "number_of_installments_past_due": 2,
    "disbursement_dates": [
    "settlement_date": "2021-09-23",
    "contract_start_date": "2020-03-01",
    "contract_end_date": "2027-10-01",
    "contract_remaining_frequency": "MONTH",
    "contract_remaining_total": 20,
    "amortization_schedule": "SEM_SISTEMA_AMORTIZACAO",
    "amortization_schedule_info": "No need for a schedule.",
    "consignee_id": "60500998000135",
    "contract_number": "1324926521496",
    "monthly_payment": null,
    "principal": null,
    "payment_day": null,
    "outstanding_principal": null,
    "credit_limit": null,
    "last_period_balance": null,
    "interest_rate": null,
    "limit_day": null,
    "cutting_day": null,
    "cutting_date": null,
    "last_payment_date": null,
    "no_interest_payment": null
  "funds_data": null, // Coming soon!
  "receivables_data": null // Coming soon!

Core Account Information

Within the core account information, Open Finance provides you with more robust and standardized data such as the account subtype, improved agency and account information, as well as the bank's internal identification for the field (all standardized across any partner in the Open Finance network).

  "institution": {
    "name": "erebor_br_retail",
    "type": "bank"
  "category": "CHECKING_ACCOUNT",
  "balance_type": "ASSET",
  "type": "Poupanca",
  "name": "Conta Poupanca Cada Dia",
  "number": "4057068115181",
  "currency": "MXN",
  "public_identification_name": "CLABE",
  "public_identification_value": "150194683119900273",
  "internal_identification": null // deprecated in Standard (Multi-Region)

  "institution": {
    "name": "ofmockbank_br_retail",
    "type": "bank"
  "category": "CHECKING_ACCOUNT",
  "balance_type": "ASSET",
  "type": "STANDARD_NACIONAL", // Not-nullable
  "subtype": "FINANCIAMENTO_HABITACIONAL_SFH",// Not-nullable
  "name": "Cuenta Perfiles- M.N. - MXN-666",
  "number": "4057068115181",
  "agency": "6272",
  "check_digit": "7",
  "currency": "BRL", // Not-nullable
  "public_identification_name": "AGENCY/ACCOUNT",
  "public_identification_value": "0444/45722-0",
  "internal_identification": "92792126019929279212650822221989319252576", // Not-nullable


Open Finance Brazil provides you with the overdraft information of the account, where you can see what limits have been agreed with the bank (arranged), how much the user has already used (used), and whether or not the user has gone over their limit without agreeing with the bank (unarranged).

  "overdraft": { // New and nullable
    "arranged": 5000.5, // Not-nullable
    "used": 1000.5, // Not-nullable
    "unarranged": 300.1 // Not-nullable


For balance information, Open Finance provides you with two additional fields:

  • blocked: indicating what value of the balance has not yet been processed
  • automatically_invested: indicating how much money is automatically deducted from the account
  "balance": {
    "current": 5874.13,
    "available": 5621.12
  "balance": {
    "current": 5874.13, // Not-nullable
    "available": 5621.12, // Not-nullable
    "blocked": 60.32, // New and not-nullable
    "automatically_invested": 131.5 // New and not-nullable

Credit Data

When it comes to credit card information, Open Finance vastly expands the information that you have available, including:

  • detailed information regarding the type of limit the credit card has (limits)
  • the network that the card belongs to (network and network_additional_info)
  • whether or not there are multiple cards associated with the credit card account (cards)
  "credit_data": {
    "credit_limit": 192000,
    "collected_at": "2019-09-27T13:01:41.941Z",
    "cutting_date": "2019-12-11",
    "next_payment_date": "2019-12-13",
    "minimum_payment": 2400.3,
    "no_interest_payment": 2690.83,
    "interest_rate": 4

  "credit_data": {
    "credit_limit": 192000.9, // Not-nullable
    "limits": [ // New and not-nullable
        "identification_number": "4453", // Not-nullable
        "credit_limit": 1000.04,
        "used_amount": 400.04,
        "available_amount": 600, // Not-nullable
        "is_limit_flexible": false, // Not-nullable
        "type": "TOTAL_LIMIT", // Not-nullable
        "consolidation_type": "INDIVIDUAL", // Not-nullable
        "line_name": "CREDITO_A_VISTA",
        "line_name_additional_info": "Informações adicionais e complementares"
    "cutting_date": "2019-12-11",
    "minimum_payment": 2400.3,
    "network": "MASTERCARD", // New and not-nullable
    "network_additional_info": "It's an orange card.", // New
    "cards": [
      // New and not-nullable
        "is_multiple": false, // Not-nullable
        "identification_number": "4453" // Not-nullable
    "next_payment_date": null, // Not available for OFDA
    "no_interest_payment": null, // Not available for OFDA
    "interest_rate": null // Not available for OFDA

Loan Data

With loan account information, in addition to more standardized and robust information, Open Finance provides you with:

  • greater detail regarding the loan interest rates (interest_rates.interest_rate_data)
  • the fees and charges on the loan (fees and contracted_charges)
  • the collateral provided for the loan (collaterals)
  • whether any balloon payments have been made (balloon_payments)
  • and a host of additional information regarding the loan (such as the amortization schedule, contract start and end dates, installments paid or remaining, and more).
  "loan_data": {
    "contract_amount": 202000,
    "principal": 192000,
    "loan_type": "Consignado",
    "payment_day": "27",
    "outstanding_principal": 142023,
    "outstanding_balance": 182000,
    "monthly_payment": 1000,
    "interest_rates": [
        "name": "jurosEfetivo",
        "type": "MONTHLY",
        "value": 7.85
    "fees": [
        "type": "OPERATION_FEE",
        "value": 5.6
    "number_of_installments_total": 60,
    "number_of_installments_outstanding": 48,
    "contract_start_date": "2020-03-01",
    "contract_end_date": "2027-10-01",
    "contract_number": "890ASLDJF87SD00",

  "loan_data": {
    "loan_code": "92792126019929279212650822221989319252576", // New and not-nullable
    "contract_amount": 202000,
    "total_effective_cost": 209000, // New and nullable
    "loan_type": "HOME_EQUITY", // Not-nullable
    "outstanding_balance": 182000,
    "interest_rates": [ // Not-nullable
        "name": "NOMINAL",
        "type": "MONTHLY",
        "value": 7.85,
        "interest_rate_data": [ // New and not-nullable
            "tax_type": "NOMINAL", // Not-nullable
            "rate_type": "SIMPLE", // Not-nullable
            "type": "MONTHLY", // Not-nullable
            "calculation_base": "30/360", // Not-nullable
            "reference_index_type": "FLOATING", // Not-nullable
            "reference_index_subtype": "TR_TBF",
            "reference_index_info": "Additional information",
            "pre_fixed_rate": 0.062, // Not-nullable
            "post_fixed_rate": 0.062, // Not-nullable
            "additional_info": "Additional information"
    "fees": [
        "type": null,
        "value": 5.6,
        "name": "Renovação de cadastro", // New and not-nullable
        "code": "CADASTRO", // New and not-nullable
        "fee_charge_type": "SINGLE", // New and not-nullable
        "fee_charge": "FIXED",
        "rate": 0.062
    "contracted_charges": [ // New and nullable
        "type": "LATE_PAYMENT_INTEREST_FEE", // Not-nullable
        "info": "Late fee",
        "rate": 0.062
    "collaterals": [ // New and nullable
        "type": "OPERACOES_GARANTIDAS_PELO_GOVERNO", // Not-nullable
        "subtype": "CCR_CONVENIO_CREDITOS_RECIPROCOS", // Not-nullable
        "currency": "BRL", // Not-nullable
        "amount": 45391.89 // Not-nullable
    "balloon_payments": [ // New and nullable
        "due_date": "2021-09-06",
        "currency": "BRL",
        "amount": 45391.89
    "installments_contract_term_frequency": "MONTH", // New and nullable
    "installment_frequency": "MONTHLY", // New and not-nullable
    "installment_frequency_info": "Both the term and requency are the same.", // New and nullable
    "first_installment_due_date": "2020-03-01", // New and nullable
    "number_of_installments_total": 60,
    "number_of_installments_outstanding": 48,
    "number_of_installments_paid": 32, // New and nullable
    "number_of_installments_past_due": 2, // New and nullable
    "disbursement_dates": ["2021-09-23"], // New and nullable
    "settlement_date": "2021-09-23", // New and nullable
    "contract_start_date": "2020-03-01", // Not-nullable
    "contract_end_date": "2027-10-01",
    "contract_remaining_frequency": "MONTH", // New and nullable
    "contract_remaining_total": 20, // New and nullable
    "amortization_schedule": "SEM_SISTEMA_AMORTIZACAO", // New and not-nullable
    "amortization_schedule_info": "No need for a schedule.", // New and nullable
    "consignee_id": "60500998000135", // New and nullable
    "contract_number": "1324926521496",
    "monthly_payment": null, // Not available for OFDA
    "principal": null, // Not available for OFDA
    "payment_day": null, // Not available for OFDA
    "outstanding_principal": null, // Not available for OFDA

Funds Data

Information regarding pension funds will soon be added to the Open Finance network. According to the Brazilian government, this information should be made available at the end of 2023.

Receivables Data

Information regarding pension funds will soon be added to the Open Finance network. According to the Brazilian government, this information should be made available at the end of 2023.