Employment Data (Brazil)

Below we break down each section of the data returned by our Employments API (Brazil).

Core Employment Data

  "id": "0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d",
  "link": "30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "start_date": "2022-01-01",
  "end_date": "2023-01-01",
  "employer_data": {}, // See the employer_data section for details.
  "occupations": [], // See the occupations section for details.
  "salaries": [] // See the salaries section for details.

For each employer that the individual has, we return the following information:

parameter nametypeformatdescriptionexample
idstringUUIDBelvo's unique identifier for the current item.0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d
linkstringUUIDThe link.id the data belongs to.30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8
created_atstring (date-time)date-timeThe ISO-8601 timestamp of when the data point was created in Belvo's database.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
collected_atstringdate-timeThe ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
start_datestringdateThe employee's start date at the employer, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2023-01-19
end_datestringdateThe employee's end date at the employer, in YYYY-MM-DD format. If null, the employee is still working at the employer.null
employer_dataobjectDetails regarding the employer.See the employer_data section for details.
occupationsarray of objectsThe employee's occupations at the employer.See the occupations section for details.
salariesarray of objectsThe salaries the employee received from the employer.See the salaries section for details.


  "employer_data": {
    "name": "Wayne Industries",
    "code": "49430669",
    "economic_activity": "6421-2 - BANCOS COMERCIAIS"

In the employer data object we return the following key data about the employer:

parameter nametypeformatdescriptionexample
namestring-The name of the employer.Wayne Industries
codestring-The institution's unique code for the employer.49430669
economic_activitystring-The main economic activity the employer is involved in. For Brazil, this is the Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas (CNAE) code.6421-2 - BANCOS COMERCIAIS


  "occupations": [
      "start_date": "2022-01-01",
      "end_date": "2023-01-01",
      "description": "ANALISTA DE PRODUTOS BANCARIOS",
      "name": "ANALISTA DE PRODUTOS BANCARIOS - 2525-40",
      "locale": "Urbana"

For each occupation that the individual had at the employer, we return the following data:

parameter nametypeformatdescriptionexample
start_datestringdateThe date that the employee started the position, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2022-01-01
end_datestringdateThe date that the employee stopped working in this position, in YYYY-MM-DD format. If null, this means that the employee is still holds this position.2023-01-01
descriptionstring-The position the employee held. For Brazil, this description must be according to the Ministry of Labour and listed in the Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações (CBO).ANALISTA DE PRODUTOS BANCARIOS
namestring-The employee's occupation, as provided by the employer.ANALISTA DE PRODUTOS BANCARIOS - 2525-40
localestring-Where the employee fulfilled their duties. For Brazil, this can be either Urbana (Urban) or Rural (Rural).Urbana


  "salaries": [
      "base_amount": 1033.09,
      "retained_amount": 0,
      "month": "2022-01",
      "currency": "BRL"

For each salary that the individual received from the employer, we return the following data:

parameter nametypeformatdescriptionexample
base_amountnumberfloatThe base amount of the salary, before any deductions or bonuses.1033.09
retained_amountnumberfloatThe amount retained by Brazil's Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS).60.3
monthstring-The month that the employee received their salary, in YYYY-MM format.2022-01
currencystring-The three-letter country code (ISO-3166 Alpha 3 compliant).BRL