Employment Data (Colombia)

Core Employment Data

  "id": "0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d",
  "link": "30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "employer_data": {}, // See the employer_data section for details.
  "salary_and_benefit_details": [] // See the salary_and_benefit_details section for details.

For each employer that the individual has, we return the following information:

parameter nametypeformatdescriptionexample
idstringUUIDBelvo's unique identifier for the current item.0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d
linkstringUUIDThe link.id the data belongs to.30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8
created_atstring (date-time)date-timeThe ISO-8601 timestamp of when the data point was created in Belvo's database.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
collected_atstringdate-timeThe ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
employer_dataobjectDetails regarding the employer.See the employer_data section for details.
salary_and_benefit_detailsarray of objectsThe salaries and benefits the employee received from the employer.See the salary_and_benefit_details section for details.


  "employer_data": {
    "name": "Campari Bebidas",
    "id_type": "NIT",
    "id_number": 9018273840,
    "economic_activity_code": 6020,
    "economic_activity_code_description": "ACTIVIDADES DE PROGRAMACIÓN Y TRANSMISIÓN DE TELEVISIÓN",
    "contributor_class_code": "A",
    "contributor_class_code_description": "EMPRESAS CON MAS DE 200 COTIZANTES",
    "contributor_type_code": 32,
    "contributor_type_description": "Pagador Programa de Reincorporación",
    "tenure": 8

In the employer data object we return the following key data about the employer:

parameter nametypeformatdescriptionexample
namestringThe legal name of the entity that makes the social security contribution (Aporte de la planilla de la seguridad Social (PILA))Campari Bebidas"
id_typestringThe ID document type of the employer. Can be either: NIT, CE, CC, or PASSPORT.NIT
id_numberintegerThe number of the ID document type.9018273840
economic_activity_codeintegerThe code of the business's primary economic activity.6020
economic_activity_code_descriptionstringThe description of the business's primary economic activity.ACTIVIDADES DE PROGRAMACIÓN Y TRANSMISIÓN DE TELEVISIÓN
contributor_class_codestringThe classification of the business.A
contributor_class_code_descriptionstringThe description of the business's classification.EMPRESAS CON MAS DE 200 COTIZANTES
contributor_type_codeintegerThe classification of the business type.32
contributor_type_descriptionstringThe description of the business type. For example, if the business is a private company, government organization, NGO, and so on.The description of the business type. For example, if the business is a private company, government organization, NGO, and so on.
tenureintegerThe number of months the employee has been working at the employer.8


  "salary_and_benefit_details": [
      "month": "2022-01",
      "gross_amount": 12000000,
      "net_amount": 9500000,
      "employment_type": "SALARIED",
      "employment_type_additional_info": "Cotizante miembro de la carrera diplomática o consular de un país extranjero o funcionario de organismo multilateral",
      "parafiscal_contribution": true,
      "salary_comprehensive": true,
      "salary_type": "FIXED",
      "pension_fund_name": "S.O.S. SERVICIO OCCIDENTAL DE SALUD S.A.",
      "healthcare_provider_name": "SKANDIA ALTERNATIVO",
      "status_changes": [

For each salary that the individual received from the employer, we return the following details regarding the salary and benefit contributions:

monthstringThe month the salary and benefits were paid, in YYYY-MM format.2022-01
gross_amountnumberThe total gross amount of the person's salary before deductions.12000000
net_amountnumberThe net amount of the person's salary after deductions (social security contributions, tax, and so on).9500000
employment_typestringThe contract type the employee has with the employer.SALARIED
employment_type_additional_infostringAdditional information about the employment_type.Cotizante miembro de la carrera diplomática o consular de un país extranjero o funcionario de organismo multilateral
parafiscal_contributionbooleanIndicates whether the person needs to make additional contributions to healthcare, welfare, or tax regimes.true
salary_comprehensivebooleanIndicates whether the salary includes all mandatory legal benefits and bonuses.true
salary_typestringIndicates what kind of salary the person retrieves. Can be either FIXED or VARIABLE.FIXED
pension_fund_namestringThe name of the pension fund that the person contributes to.S.O.S. SERVICIO OCCIDENTAL DE SALUD S.A.
healthcare_provider_namestringThe name of the healthcare provider that the person contributes to.SKANDIA ALTERNATIVO
status_changesarray of stringsAn array of strings that indicate why the salary may be different from regular payments. Can be any of the following:
- FIRST_MONTH - Indicates whether the person starting working for the employer in this month.
- FINAL_MONTH - Indicates whether the person stopped working for the employer in this month.
- ON_LEAVE - Indicates whether the person is on parental (or other) leave in this month.
- RETIREMENT_MONTH - Indicates whether the person went on retirement after this month.
- ON_VACATION - Indicates whether the person is on vacation in this month.
- PERMANENT_SALARY_CHANGE - Indicates whether the person received a permanent change in salary this month.
- TEMPORARY_SALARY_CHANGE - Indicates whether the person received an adhoc change in salary this month.