Employment Records Data (Mexico)

Below we break down each section of the data returned by our Employment Records API.

Core fields

parameter nametypeformatdescriptionexample
idstringUUIDBelvo's unique identifier for the current item.0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d
linkstringUUIDThe link.id the data belongs to.30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8
created_atstring (date-time)date-timeThe ISO-8601 timestamp of when the data point was created in Belvo's database.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
collected_atstringdate-timeThe ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
report_datestringdateThe date when the employment record report was generated, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2023-01-19
internal_identificationstringstringThe unique ID for the user according to the institution. For IMSS and ISSSTE Mexico, this is the CURP.BLPM951331IONVGR54
personal_dataobjectDetails regarding the personal information of the individual. See the Personal data section for details .
social_security_summaryobjectDetails regarding the individual's social security contributions, according to the IMSS.

> Note: For ISSSTE Mexico, this value will return null
See the Social security summary section for details.
employment_recordsarray of objectsDetails regarding the individual's employment history. See the Employment records section for details.
employment_scoresarray of objectsAn array of employment_record scores. Each score provides an insight into employability and income generation potential in a given period.

> Note: For ISSSTE Mexico, this value will return null
See the Employment scores section for details.
filesobjectAdditional PDF binary files relating to the individual's employment.See the Files section for details.

Personal data

parameter nametypeformatdescriptionexample
official_namestring-The legal name of the individual.Bruce Banner del Torro
first_namestring-The first name of the individual.Bruce
last_namestring-The last name of the individual.Banner del Torro
birth_datestringdateThe date of birth of the individual, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2022-02-09
entitlementsobject-Details regarding the benefits the individual is entitled to.See the Entitlements section for details.
document_idsarray of objects-Details regarding the individual's ID documents.See the Document IDs section for details.


parameter nametypeformatdescriptionexample
entitled_to_health_insuranceboolean-Indicates whether or not the individual is entitled to health insurance.true
entitled_to_company_benefitsboolean-Indicates whether or not the individual is entitled to company benefits.true
valid_untilstringdateDate until when the individual is covered by health insurance and/or company benefits. If the value is null, the employee is currently working and no end date is required.null
statusstring-Indicates the employment status of the individual. We return one of the following responses:

- null

Document IDs

parameter nametypeformatdescriptionexample
document_typestring-The type of document related to the individual. We return one of the following values:

- RFC (ISSTE only)
document_numberstring-The ID document's number.BLPM951331IONVGR54

Social security summary


Note: For ISSSTE Mexico, this value will return null

weeks_redeemedintegerint32Number of weeks the individual needed to take out of their pension.0
weeks_reinstatedintegerint32Number of weeks the individual has paid back into their pension (*AFORE*), after having redeemed them previously.0
weeks_contributedintegerint32Number of weeks the individual has contributed to their social security, based on the number of weeks the individual has worked according to IMSS.188

Employment records

collected_atstringdate-timeThe ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected.2020-04-23T21:32:55.336854+00:00
employerstring-The official name of the employer.

> Note: For ISSSTE Mexico, this is the official name of the entity along with the entity that is responsible for managing the employee's information, separated by a semicolon (;). For example: SECRETARIA DE EDUCACION PUBLICA (SEP);SECRETARIA DE EDUCACION PUBLICA (SEP).
Batman Enterprises CDMX
employer_idstring-The official ID of the employer, according to the country.

> Note: For ISSSTE Mexico, this value will return null
start_datestringdateDate when employment started, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2019-10-10
end_datestringdateDate when employment finished, in YYYY-MM-DD format.

> Note: This field will return null for the individual's current employment.
weeks_employedintegerint32Number of weeks that the individual was employed.12
statestring-In what geographical state the individual was employed, according to the country.DISTRITO FEDERAL
most_recent_base_salarynumberfloatThe most recent base salary the individual earned. For Mexico, this is the *daily* rate that the individual earned, including the perks that the individual is entitled to throughout the year.762.54
monthly_salarynumberfloatThe monthly salary of the individual, including any additional perks.25000.0
currencystring-The three-letter currency code in which the salary is paid.MXN
employment_status_updatesarray of objects-Details regarding any employment changes of the individual.See the Employment status updates section for details .

Employment status updates

parameter nametypeformatdescriptionexample
eventstring-The event that caused the change in employment status or salary.

For IMSS Mexico, we return one of the following values:






- SICK_LEAVEFor ISSSTE Mexico, we return one of the following values:



salarynumberfloatThe base salary of the individual, current as of the update_date.

- For IMSS Mexico, this value is calculated including the perks that the individual is entitled to throughout the year.
- For ISSSTE Mexico, this value is calculated excluding the individual's perks.
eventstringdateThe date that the employment event occurred, in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Employment scores


Note: For ISSSTE Mexico, this value will return null

parameter nametypeformatdescriptionexample
scoreintegerA score between 300 and 900 that provides an insight into employability and income generation potential.722
periodintegerThe number of months (in the future) that the score is calculated for.3
versionstringThe version of our employment score model used to perform the calculation.1.0.0


typestringThe title of the document.ReporteSemanasCotizadas_190123
valuestringThe PDF binary of the file (as a string).

> Note: In our sandbox environment, this field will return null.