Financial Statement Data (Mexico)

Below we breakdown each section of the data returned by our Financial Statements API, along with the associated SAT term.

Balance sheet

The balance sheet section details the company's assets, liabilities, and equity for the given year.

Current assets

The information in the current assets section provides a snapshot of the company's short-term financial health by detailing assets that are expected to be converted into cash or used within one year, useful for assessing liquidity and operational efficiency.

Parameter NameType and FormatDescriptionExampleSAT Field
cash_and_equivalentsnumber (float)The total amount of cash and cash equivalents, including currency, bank accounts, and other liquid investments that can be quickly converted to cash.1000000Efectivo y equivalentes de efectivo
short_term_investmentsnumber (float)The value of investments that are expected to be liquidated into cash within one year, such as marketable securities.2000000Instrumentos financieros de negociación
accounts_receivablenumber (float)The amount owed by customers for sales made on credit, expected to be received within a short period.3000000Clientes
notes_receivablenumber (float)The value of written promissory notes received from customers or others, promising to pay a specified amount by a certain date.4000000Cuentas y documentos por cobrar
other_debtorsnumber (float)The total amounts due from various other debtors, excluding accounts and notes receivable.5000000Deudores diversos
bad_debt_provisionnumber (float)The estimated amount of receivables that are expected to be uncollectible, often referred to as allowance for doubtful accounts.6000000Estimación de cuentas incobrables
tax_recoverablenumber (float)The amount of tax payments that can be recovered from tax authorities.7000000Impuesto por recuperar
inventorynumber (float)The total value of goods available for sale, raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished products.8000000Inventarios
prepaid_expensesnumber (float)The amount paid in advance for goods or services to be received in the future, such as insurance premiums or rent.9000000Pagos anticipados
assets_available_for_salenumber (float)The value of non-current assets that are available for sale but not yet sold, such as surplus equipment or property.10000000Activos disponibles para venta
totalnumber (float)The sum of all current assets, representing the total value of assets expected to be converted into cash or used within one year.11000000Total de Activo a corto plazo

Non-current assets

The information in the non-current assets section includes long-term investments and property that are not easily converted into cash within a year. It is useful for understanding the company's long-term investment strategy and capital structure, providing insights into asset management and future growth potential.

Parameter NameType and FormatDescriptionExampleSAT Field
property_plant_and_equipmentnumber (float)The total value of property, plant, and equipment owned by the company, including land, buildings, machinery, and vehicles, used for long-term operations.1000000Propiedades, plantas y equipo
long_term_accounts_receivablenumber (float)The amount owed by customers for sales made on credit, expected to be received after one year.2000000Cuentas y documentos por cobrar a largo plazo
prepayment_to_suppliersnumber (float)The amount paid in advance to suppliers for goods or services to be received in the future, expected to be utilized over the long term.3000000Anticipo a proveedores
goodwillnumber (float)The value of intangible assets that arise from the acquisition of other companies, representing the premium paid over the fair value of net assets acquired.4000000Crédito mercantil
intangible_assetsnumber (float)The total value of intangible assets owned by the company, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, with useful lives extending beyond one year.5000000Activos intangibles
investments_in_associatesnumber (float)The value of investments in other companies in which the company has significant influence but not control, typically represented by ownership of 20-50% of the associate's voting shares.6000000Inversiones en asociadas
long_term_financial_instrumentsnumber (float)The value of financial instruments that are expected to be held for more than one year, such as bonds, debentures, and long-term loans.7000000Instrumentos financieros por cobrar a largo plazo
totalnumber (float)The sum of all non-current assets, representing the total value of assets expected to be used or held for more than one year.8000000Total de Activo a largo plazo

Current liabilities

The information in the current liabilities section includes obligations expected to be settled within one year, offering a view of the company's short-term financial responsibilities. It is crucial for assessing the company's liquidity and short-term financial stability.

Parameter NameType and FormatDescriptionExampleSAT Field
bank_loansnumber (float)The total amount of loans borrowed from banks or financial institutions, expected to be repaid within one year.1000000Préstamos bancarios
accounts_payablenumber (float)The amount owed to suppliers for goods or services purchased on credit, expected to be paid within a short period.2000000Proveedores
notes_payablenumber (float)The value of written promissory notes issued to suppliers or others, promising to pay a specified amount by a certain date.3000000Cuentas y documentos por pagar
financial_instrumentsnumber (float)The value of financial instruments that are expected to be liquidated into cash within one year, such as bonds, debentures, and short-term loans.4000000Instrumentos financieros
other_creditorsnumber (float)The total amounts due to various other creditors, excluding accounts and notes payable.5000000Acreedores diversos
income_tax_payablenumber (float)The amount of income tax that is owed to tax authorities, expected to be paid within a short period.6000000Impuestos a la utilidad por pagar
customer_advancesnumber (float)The total amount received in advance from customers for goods or services to be delivered in the future, expected to be utilized within one year.7000000Anticipo de clientes
provisionsnumber (float)The estimated amount set aside for future liabilities or losses, such as warranties, legal claims, or restructuring costs.8000000Provisiones
taxes_payablenumber (float)The total amount of taxes owed to tax authorities, expected to be paid within a short period.9000000Impuestos por pagar
totalnumber (float)The sum of all current liabilities, representing the total value of obligations expected to be settled within one year.10000000Total de Pasivo a corto plazo

Non-current liabilities

The information in the non-current liabilities section details long-term obligations that are not due within one year and are key for understanding the company's long-term financial commitments. This data is essential for assessing the company’s solvency and long-term financial health.

Parameter NameType and FormatDescriptionExampleSAT Field
long_term_accounts_payablenumber (float)The amount owed to suppliers for goods or services purchased on credit, expected to be paid after one year.1000000Cuentas y documentos por pagar a largo plazo
long_term_financial_instrumentsnumber (float)The value of financial instruments that are expected to be held for more than one year, such as bonds, debentures, and long-term loans.2000000Instrumentos financieros a largo plazo
deferred_revenuenumber (float)The amount received in advance from customers for goods or services to be delivered in the future, expected to be recognized as revenue over the long term (such as rent).3000000Rentas cobradas por anticipado
contributions_for_future_capital_increasesnumber (float)The total contributions received from shareholders or other investors for future capital increases, expected to be utilized over the long term.4000000Aportaciones para futuros aumentos de capital
deferred_income_taxnumber (float)The amount of income tax that is deferred to future periods, expected to be paid after one year.5000000Impuesto a la utilidad diferido por pagar
employee_benefitsnumber (float)The total amount of benefits owed to employees, such as pensions, gratuities, and other post-employment benefits, expected to be settled over the long term.6000000Beneficio a empleados
long_term_provisionsnumber (float)The estimated amount set aside for future liabilities or losses, such as warranties, legal claims, or restructuring costs, expected to be settled after one year.7000000Provisiones a largo plazo
totalnumber (float)The sum of all non-current liabilities, representing the total value of obligations expected to be settled after one year.8000000Total de Pasivo a largo plazo


The information in the equity section represents the residual interest in the company’s assets after deducting liabilities. It is important for understanding ownership structure, retained earnings, and overall financial strength.

Parameter NameType and FormatDescriptionExampleSAT Field
stockholders_equitynumber (float)The total value of shares issued by the company, representing the ownership interest of shareholders in the business.1000000Capital social
retained_earningsnumber (float)The accumulated profits or losses of the company that have not been distributed to shareholders as dividends.2000000Utilidades acumuladas
other_comprehensive_incomenumber (float)The gains or losses that are not included in net income but are reported directly in equity, such as unrealized gains on investments or foreign currency translation adjustments.3000000Otros resultados integrales
controlling_interestnumber (float)The ownership interest in the company held by the parent entity or majority shareholders, representing the controlling stake in the business.4000000Participación controladora
non_controlling_interestnumber (float)The ownership interest in the company held by minority shareholders, representing the non-controlling stake in the business.5000000Participación no controladora
totalnumber (float)The sum of share capital, retained earnings, other comprehensive income, controlling interest, and non-controlling interest, representing the total equity of the company.15000000Total de capital contable

Income statement

The information in the income statement section provides a detailed overview of the company's revenues, expenses, and profits for the given year. This data is crucial for assessing the company's operational performance, profitability, and overall financial health.

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionExampleSAT Field
net_revenuenumber (float)The total revenue generated by the company from its core business operations, excluding any deductions for discounts, returns, or allowances.1000000Ingresos netos
domestic_salesnumber (float)The revenue generated by the company from sales of goods or services within its home country.2000000Ventas y/o servicios nacionales
foreign_salesnumber (float)The revenue generated by the company from sales of goods or services in foreign countries.3000000Ventas y/o servicios extranjeros
total_materials_usednumber (float)The total cost of materials used or traded by the company during the reporting period.4000000Total de materiales utilizados o comercializados
cost_of_goods_soldnumber (float)The total cost incurred by the company to produce or purchase the goods sold during the reporting period.5000000Costo de ventas
cost_of_services_soldnumber (float)The total cost incurred by the company to provide the services sold during the reporting period.6000000Costo de servicios
gross_profitnumber (float)The difference between net revenue and the total cost of goods and services sold, representing the profit earned from core business operations before deducting operating expenses.7000000Utilidad bruta
gross_lossnumber (float)The negative difference between net revenue and the total cost of goods and services sold, representing the loss incurred from core business operations before deducting operating expenses.8000000Pérdida bruta
operating_expensesnumber (float)The total expenses incurred by the company in its normal operating activities, including selling, general, and administrative expenses.9000000Gastos de operación
operating_incomenumber (float)The profit earned from core business operations after deducting operating expenses, but before considering interest, taxes, and other non-operating items.10000000Utilidad de operación
operating_lossnumber (float)The loss incurred from core business operations after deducting operating expenses, but before considering interest, taxes, and other non-operating items.11000000Pérdida de operación
financial_resultnumber (float)The net result of financial activities, including interest income, interest expense, and other financial gains or losses.-114602Resultado Integral de Financiamiento
equity_in_earnings_of_affiliatesnumber (float)The company's share of the profit or loss in its associates, entities over which it has significant influence but not control.0Participación en asociadas
income_before_taxesnumber (float)The profit earned before accounting for income tax expenses.12000000Utilidad antes de Impuestos a la utilidad
loss_before_taxesnumber (float)The loss incurred before accounting for income tax expenses.13000000Pérdida antes de Impuestos a la utilidad
income_taxesnumber (float)The total amount of income tax expenses incurred during the reporting period.16838Impuestos a la utilidad
income_from_continuing_operationsnumber (float)The profit earned from the company's ongoing business operations after deducting operating expenses and taxes.14000000Utilidad de operaciones continuas
loss_from_continuing_operationsnumber (float)The loss incurred from the company's ongoing business operations after deducting operating expenses and taxes.15000000Pérdida de operaciones continuas
discontinued_operationsnumber (float)The net result of operations that have been discontinued or sold off during the reporting period.0Operaciones discontinuadas
net_incomenumber (float)The total profit earned by the company after deducting all expenses, including operating, non-operating, interest, and taxes.16000000Utilidad neta
net_lossnumber (float)The total loss incurred by the company after deducting all expenses, including operating, non-operating, interest, and taxes.17000000Pérdida neta