Employment records (Webhooks) (Mexico)

Reference information for our employment records webhook events.

Historical update

As soon as your employment link is created (either recurrent or a single link with fetch_resources: ["EMPLOYMENT_RECORDS"], we asynchronously load the employment record information. You will receive a historical_update notification whenever the employment record data is available for you to access.

  "webhook_id": "03d1ca0d62db4f769488265d141047b7",
  "webhook_type": "EMPLOYMENT_RECORDS",
  "process_type": "historical_update",
  "webhook_code": "historical_update",
  "link_id": "2f5d361d-dad6-45d4-a0bf-26d479766067",
  "request_id": "4363b08b-51eb-4350-9c74-5df5ac92a7f6",
  "external_id": "your_external_id",
  "data": {
    "total_employment_record_profiles": 1 // The total number of employment record profiles found for the link

Once you receive the notification, you can get further details by making the following request:

curl --request GET 'https://api.belvo.com/api/employment-records/?link={id}' \
-u [Secret Key ID]:[Secret Key PASSWORD]


  • {id} is the link_id you receive in your historical_update notification.

Employment status changes

Interested in accessing this new feature? Reach out to our team, and they’ll help you get set up!

You can receive an employment_changes notification whenever Belvo detects a change in a link’s employment situation according to your refresh frequency for employment links.

Once you receive the notification, you can query the Employment Records endpoint to get the updated employment information. For example, if you receive the following webhook:

  "webhook_id": "03d1ca0d62db4f769488265d141047b7",
  "webhook_type": "EMPLOYMENT_RECORDS",
  "process_type": "recurrent_update",
  "webhook_code": "employment_changes",
  "link_id": "2f5d361d-dad6-45d4-a0bf-26d479766067",
  "request_id": "4363b08b-51eb-4350-9c74-5df5ac92a7f6",
  "external_id": "your_external_id",
  "data": {
    "employment_changes": ["EMPLOYED", "SALARY_INCREASED"] // List of changes since the last check

You can request more information about the employment changes with the following query to the Employment Records endpoint:

curl --request GET 'https://api.belvo.com/api/employment-records/?link={id}' \
-u [Secret Key ID]:[Secret Key PASSWORD]

Employment change options

At your given refresh frequency, Belvo will extract new employment information for your link and compare the employment status and salary information with the previous data extraction.


Recommended refresh frequency

We recommend a refresh frequency of a minimum of two months. However, reach out to our team and they'll be able to advise you better depending on your use case.

In the data.employment_changes array of the webhook, you can receive one or more of the following employment changes:

UNEMPLOYEDThe employee was employed but was dismissed or resigned from their employer.
EMPLOYEDThe employee was unemployed at the time of the last check and is now employed.
EMPLOYEE_CHANGED_JOBSThe employee changed jobs.
SALARY_INCREASEThe employee's salary has increased by at least 10% since the last check.
SALARY_DECREASEThe employee's salary has decreased by at least 10% since the last check.

You can receive more than one change in the data.employment_changes array, depending on the situation. For example, if a person changed jobs and is now receiving a higher salary, then in the data.employment_changes array you will receive:

  "data": {
    "employment_changes": ["EMPLOYEE_CHANGED_JOBS", "SALARY_INCREASE"]

Scenarios with deleted or missing records

Belvo sends employment notifications after comparing the newly retrieved data against previously-retrieved data. However, there can be cases where we update an employment link that does not have any employment record data in Belvo's database. In these cases, you will still receive an employment_changes webhook. However, as Belvo checks the newly returned data against non-existing data in Belvo's database, in this case you will receive one of the following combinations of employment changes:

Case when updatedValues
User is unemployedUNEMPLOYED

This can occur due to any of the following reasons:

On link creation, you set stale_in to a period that is less than your refresh rate.

When creating a link, you can optionally add the stale_in parameter to control how long Belvo stores user-derived data. The period is relative to the link’s last_updated_at (the last time that the user’s account was accessed) timestamp.


For example, if you set stale_in to 62 days when you created a link on 01.03.2024, the data is stored in Belvo's database for 62 days after this date. If then for the same link you accessed the data a month later (01.04.2024), then the count is reset and Belvo will delete the data 62 days after 01.04.2024.

However, if you set a stale_in period to less than your refresh rate, Belvo will delete the data before the next refresh. As a result, the newly returned data will be compared against non-existent data, triggering an employment_changes webhook with the statuses mentioned above.

To avoid this, either:

  • Do not pass the stale_in parameter (which by default is 365 days).
  • Set a stale_in value that is greater than your refresh rate. For example, if you have a refresh period of 60 days, then your stale_in parameter should be set to at least 62 days.

When doing a POST Retrieve employment records, you set save_data to false.

When retrieving employment record data using the Retrieve employment record details, setting save_data to false prevents Belvo from storing the data. Consequently, any newly retrieved data will be compared against non-existent data, resulting in the employment_changes webhook mentioned above.

To avoid this, we recommend that you set save_data to true.

Deleted employment record data

If you delete employment record data using the Delete an employment record request, all data for that employment entry is removed from Belvo's database. During the next update, Belvo compares the new data against the deleted (non-existing) data, resulting in the employment_changes webhook mentioned above.

There was no data in the initial extraction of employment record data

In the case that a previous employment record retrieval was not successful as there was no data for the user in the institution (resulting in the API returning an empty response) or the employment institution was unresponsive, during the next update, Belvo compares the new data against the non-existing data, resulting in the employment_changes webhook mentioned above.