Invoices (Mexico) Data

Below we breakdown each section of the data returned by our Invoices API, which allows you to retrieve the electronic representation of an invoice, uploaded to the fiscal institution's website, that a business or individual has received or sent. We have included example invoices that you may receive in the Example Invoices section.

Core Invoice Information

  "id": "90d90e38-0087-4b6d-b6dc-94ea561bb9cb",
  "link": "1bd948f7-245d-4313-b604-34d1044cb908",
  "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:46:20.406032Z",
  "invoice_identification": "862B9918-3K6H-4E0B-NAI9-2BE2D833B840",
  "invoice_date": "2020-12-24",
  "status": "Vigente",
  "invoice_type": "Pago",
  "type": "OUTFLOW",
  "sender_id": "GHTF980303F7",
  "sender_name": "Roberto Martinez Diaz",
  "sender_tax_fraud_status": "NO_TAX_FRAUD_STATUS",
  "receiver_id": "MNMK3203409H1",
  "receiver_name": "ACNE SA DE CV",
  "receiver_tax_fraud_status": "NO_TAX_FRAUD_STATUS",
  "cancelation_status": null,
  "cancelation_update_date": null,
  "certification_date": "2020-12-24",
  "certification_authority": "FGV330542BG6",
  "payment_type": null,
  "payment_type_description": null,
  "payment_method": null,
  "usage": "P01",
  "place_of_issue": "11000",
  "currency": "MXN",
  "subtotal_amount": 0,
  "exchange_rate": null,
  "tax_amount": 0,
  "discount_amount": 0,
  "total_amount": 0,
  "folio": "28",
  "version": "3.3",
  "xml": "=XML-STRING=",
  "invoice_details": [],
  "payments": [],
  "payroll": [],
  "warnings": {}
idstringBelvo's unique identifier for the current item.90d90e38-0087-4b6d-b6dc-94ea561bb9cb
linkstringThe the data belongs to.1bd948f7-245d-4313-b604-34d1044cb908
collected_atstring (date-time)The ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
created_atstring (date-time)The ISO-8601 timestamp of when the data point was created in Belvo's database.2022-02-09T08:46:20.406032Z
invoice_identificationstringThe fiscal institution's unique ID for the invoice.862B9918-3K6H-4E0B-NAI9-2BE2D833B840
invoice_datestring (date)The date of the invoice, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2020-12-24
statusstringThe status of the invoice. Can be either Vigente (valid) or Cancelado
invoice_typestringThe fiscal institution's classification of the invoice.

For Mexico's SAT, we return one of the following values: Egreso, Ingreso, Nómina, Pago, or Traslado.
typestringThe direction of the invoice (from the perspective of the Link owner). OUTFLOW indicates a sent invoice. INFLOW indicates a received invoice.OUTFLOW
sender_idstringThe fiscal ID of the invoice senderGHTF980303F7
sender_namestringThe name of the invoice sender.Roberto Martinez Diaz
sender_tax_fraud_statusstringIndicates whether or not the sender is on SAT's tax fraud list for having submitted incorrect data, having outstanding payments, or having conducted business that is in violation of the fiscal institution's regulations.

SAT updates the tax fraud list every three months. For more information regarding the reason's a taxpayer can be put on the tax fraud list, please see Article 69 and Article 69-B of Mexico's Código Fiscal de la Federación.
receiver_idstringThe fiscal ID of the invoice receiver.MNMK3203409H1
receiver_namestringThe name of the invoice receiver.ACNE SA DE CV
cancelation_statusstringIf the invoice is cancelled, this field indicates the status of the cancellation.null
cancelation_update_datestring (date)The date of the invoice cancelation, in YYYY-MM-DD format.null
certification_datestring (date)The date of the fiscal certification, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2020-12-24
certification_authoritystringThe fiscal ID of the certification provider.FGV330542BG6
payment_typestringThe payment type code used for this invoice, as defined by the country legal entity. For more details, see our 🇲🇽 Mexico SAT catalog reference article null
payment_methodstringThe payment method code used for this invoice, as defined by the legal entity of the country. For more details, see our 🇲🇽 Mexico SAT catalog reference article . For Mexico, we return PUE, PPD, or null.null
usagestringThe invoice's usage code, as defined by the legal entity of the country. For more details, see our 🇲🇽 Mexico SAT catalog reference article P01
place_of_issuestringThe postcode of where the invoice was issued.11000
currencystringThe three-letter currency code of the invoice.MXN
subtotal_amountnumberThe pretax amount of this invoice (sum of each item's pre_tax_amount).0
exchange_ratenumberThe exchange rate used in this invoice for the currency.null
tax_amountnumberThe amount of tax for this invoice (sum of each item's tax_amount).0
discount_amountnumberThe total amount discounted in this invoice.0
total_amountnumberThe total amount of the invoice (subtotal_amount + tax_amount - discount_amount)0
foliostringThe internal control number that the taxpayer assigns to the invoice.28
versionstringThe CFDI version of the invoice.3.3
xmlstringXML of the invoice document.=XML-STRING=
invoice_detailsarray of objectsA list of descriptions for each item (purchased product or service provided) in the invoice.See the invoice_details section for details.
paymentsarray of objectsA list detailing all the invoice payments.See the payments section for details.
payrollarray of objectsSee the payroll section for details.
warningsobjectSee the warnings section for details.


  "invoice_details": [
      "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
      "description": "Servicios de mensajería.",
      "product_identification": "78102206",
      "quantity": 1,
      "unit_code": "E48",
      "unit_description": "Unidad de servicio",
      "unit_amount": 25,
      "pre_tax_amount": 25,
      "tax_percentage": 16,
      "tax_amount": 4,
      "total_amount": 29,
      "retained_taxes": [] // See the retained_taxes section for details.
collected_atstring (date-time)The ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
descriptionstringThe description of the invoice item (an invoice can have one or more items).December 2019 accounting fees
product_identificationstringThe identification code of the product or the service, as defined by the legal entity in the country. 🇲🇽 Mexico84101600
quantitynumberThe quantity of this invoice item.10
unit_codestringThe unit of measure, as defined by the legal entity in the country. 🇲🇽 Mexico SAT catalog referenceE48
unit_descriptionstringThe description of the item, as defined by the legal entity in the country. 🇲🇽 Mexico SAT catalog referenceUnidad de servicio
unit_amountnumberThe price of one singular item.200
tax_typestringThe item's tax type.null
pre_tax_amountnumberThe total price for this item before tax is applied (quantity x unit_amount).400
tax_percentagenumberThe tax percentage to apply.16
tax_amountnumberThe amount of tax for this invoice item (pre_tax_amount x tax_percentage).64
total_amountnumberThe total price for this invoice item (pre_tax_amount + tax_amount).464
retained_taxesarrayThe retained tax on the invoice item.See the retained_taxes section for details.


  "retained_taxes": [
      "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
      "tax_type": null,
      "tax": ISR,
      "tax_percentage": 10,
      "retained_tax_amount": 209.79
collected_atstring (date-time)The ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
tax_typestringThe item's tax type.null
taxstringThe type of retained tax (for example, ISR, IVA or IEPS).ISR
tax_percentagenumberThe percentage of tax retained.10
retained_tax_amountnumberThe amount of retained tax.209.79


  "payments": [
      "date": "2020-03-17T12:00:00.000Z",
      "payment_type": "03",
      "currency": "BRL",
      "exchange_rate": "3.75",
      "amount": 8000.5,
      "operation_number": "831840",
      "beneficiary_rfc": "BNM840515VB1",
      "beneficiary_account_number": "12343453245633",
      "payer_rfc": "BKJM840515VB1",
      "payer_account_number": "13343663245699",
      "payer_bank_name": "CITI BANAMEX",
      "related_documents": [] // See the related_documents section for details.
datestring (date-time)ISO-8601 timestamp when the payment was made.2020-03-17T12:00:00.000Z
payment_typestringPayment type code used for this invoice, as defined by the country's legal entity. 🇲🇽 SAT catalog03
currencystringThe currency of the payment. E.g., 🇧🇷 BRL, 🇨🇴 COP, 🇲🇽 MXN. Other currencies may be returned.BRL
exchange_ratestringThe currency to MXN currency exchange rate when the payment was made.3.75
amountnumberThe invoice amount, in the currency of the original invoice.8000.5
operation_numberstringThe fiscal institution's internal identifier for the operation.831840
beneficiary_rfcstringThe fiscal ID of the payment beneficiary.BNM840515VB1
beneficiary_account_numberstringThe bank account number of the payment beneficiary.12343453245633
payer_rfcstringThe fiscal ID of the payment issuer.BKJM840515VB1
payer_account_numberstringThe bank account number of the payment issuer.13343663245699
payer_bank_namestringThe banking institution that was used by the payment issuer.CITI BANAMEX
related_documentsarray of objectsA list of all the related deferred invoices affected by the payment.See the related_documents section for details.


  "related_documents": [
      "invoice_identification": "7EE015F3-6311-11EA-B02A-00155D014007",
      "currency": "MXN",
      "payment_method": "PPD",
      "previous_balance": 18877.84,
      "amount_paid": 8000,
      "outstanding_balance": 10877.84
Parameter NameTypeDescriptionExample
invoice_identificationstringThe fiscal institution's unique ID for the related deferred invoice.7EE015F3-6311-11EA-B02A-00155D014007
currencystringThe currency of the related invoice. E.g., 🇧🇷 BRL, 🇨🇴 COP, 🇲🇽 MXN. Other currencies may be returned.MXN
payment_methodstringThe payment method of the related invoice.PPD
partiality_numberintegerThe payment installment number.1
previous_balancenumberThe invoice amount before the payment.18877.84
amount_paidnumberThe amount paid in this installment.8000
outstanding_balancenumberThe amount remaining to be paid.10877.84


  "payroll": [
      "days": 30,
      "type": "O",
      "amount": 20400.1,
      "version": "1.2",
      "date_from": "2018-07-01",
      "date_to": "2018-07-31",
      "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
      "payment_date": "2018-07-16",
      "periodicity": "MONTHLY",
      "earnings_breakdown": [], // See the earnings_breakdown section for details.
      "tax_deductions": [], // See the tax_deductions section for details.
      "other_payments": [] // See the other_payments section for details.
Parameter NameTypeDescriptionExample
daysintegerThe number of days covered by the payment.30
typestringThe payroll type, as defined by the legal entity of the country. 🇲🇽 SAT catalog referenceO
amountnumberThe total amount of the payroll payment.20400.1
versionstringThe version of the payroll object.1.2
date_fromstringThe start date of the payment period, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2018-07-01
date_tostringThe end date of the payment period, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2018-07-31
collected_atstring (date-time)Reference to the collected_at object.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
payment_datestring (date)The payment date, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2018-07-16
periodicitystringHow often the payroll payment is made. For Mexico's SAT, we return one of the following values: DAILY, WEEKLY, TENTH_DAY, FOURTEENTH_DAY, FIFTEENTH_DAY, MONTHLY, BIMONTHLY, PER_TASK, COMMISSION, ONE_OFF, or OTHER_PERIODICITYMONTHLY
earnings_breakdownarray of objectsA breakdown of the earnings for the payroll payment.See the earnings_breakdown section for details.
tax_deductionsarray of objectsA breakdown of the tax deductions on the payroll payment.See the tax_deductions section for details.
other_paymentsarray of objectsA breakdown of other payments for the payroll.See the other_payments section for details.


  "earnings_breakdown": [
      "type": "CHRISTMAS_BONUS",
      "taxable_amount": 1505.00,
      "vat_free_amount": 0.00
Parameter TypeDescriptionExample
typestringThe type of income. For a full list of possible values, please see the payroll earnings breakdown type table.CHRISTMAS_BONUS
taxable_amountnumberThe amount of the income that is taxable.1505.00
vat_free_amountnumberThe amount of the income that is not subject to VAT.0.00


  "tax_deductions": [
      "type": "UNION_FEES",
      "amount": 1505.00
typestringThe type of tax deduction. For a full list of possible values, please see the payroll tax deductions type table.UNION_FEES
amountnumberThe amount of the tax deduction.1505.00


  "other_payments": [
      "type": "EMPLOYMENT_SUBSIDY",
      "amount": 1505.00
typestringThe type of other payment. For a full list of possible values, please see the payroll other payments type table.EMPLOYMENT_SUBSIDY
amountnumberThe amount of the other payment.1505.00


    "warnings": {
        "code": "sat_xml_limit_reached",
        "message": "The daily limit for XML downloads set by SAT was reached so this invoice might be missing data. Please check <> for more information on this error."
codestringThe warning code. Can be one of: sat_xml_limit_reached, sat_service_unavailable, or nullsat_xml_limit_reached
messagestringThe description of the warning. The message will depend on the warning code:

The daily limit for XML downloads set by SAT was reached so this invoice might be missing data. Please check for more information on this error.

Downloading invoices details is not available. The SAT portal raised a 503 error.`
The daily limit for XML downloads set by SAT was reached so this invoice
might be missing data. Please check for more
information on this error.

Example Invoices

  "id": "90d90e38-0087-4b6d-b6dc-94ea561bb9cb",
  "link": "1bd948f7-245d-4313-b604-34d1044cb908",
  "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:46:20.406032Z",
  "invoice_identification": "862B9918-3K6H-4E0B-NAI9-2BE2D833B840",
  "invoice_date": "2020-12-24",
  "status": "Vigente",
  "invoice_type": "Ingreso",
  "type": "OUTFLOW",
  "sender_id": "GHTF980303F7",
  "sender_name": "Roberto Martinez Diaz",
  "sender_tax_fraud_status": "NO_TAX_FRAUD_STATUS",
  "receiver_id": "MNMK3203409H1",
  "receiver_name": "ACNE SA DE CV",
  "receiver_tax_fraud_status": "NO_TAX_FRAUD_STATUS",
  "cancelation_status": null,
  "cancelation_update_date": null,
  "certification_date": "2020-12-24",
  "certification_authority": "FGV330542BG6",
  "payment_type": "04",
  "payment_type_description": null,
  "payment_method": "PUE",
  "usage": "G03",
  "place_of_issue": "11000",
  "version": "3.3",
  "invoice_details": [
      "description": "Servicios de mensajería.",
      "product_identification": "78102206",
      "quantity": 1,
      "unit_code": "E48",
      "unit_description": "Unidad de servicio",
      "unit_amount": 25,
      "pre_tax_amount": 25,
      "tax_percentage": 16,
      "tax_amount": 4,
      "total_amount": 29,
      "retained_taxes": [],
      "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z"
  "currency": "MXN",
  "subtotal_amount": 25,
  "exchange_rate": 1,
  "tax_amount": 4,
  "discount_amount": 0,
  "total_amount": 29,
  "payments": [],
  "payroll": null,
  "folio": "28",
  "xml": "=XML-STRING=",
  "warnings": {
    "code": "warning_code",
    "message": "warning message"
  "id": "90d90e38-0087-4b6d-b6dc-94ea561bb9cb",
  "link": "1bd948f7-245d-4313-b604-34d1044cb908",
  "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:46:20.406032Z",
  "invoice_identification": "862B9918-3K6H-4E0B-NAI9-2BE2D833B840",
  "invoice_date": "2020-12-24",
  "status": "Vigente",
  "invoice_type": "Pago",
  "type": "OUTFLOW",
  "sender_id": "GHTF980303F7",
  "sender_name": "Roberto Martinez Diaz",
  "sender_tax_fraud_status": "NO_TAX_FRAUD_STATUS",
  "receiver_id": "MNMK3203409H1",
  "receiver_name": "ACNE SA DE CV",
  "receiver_tax_fraud_status": "NO_TAX_FRAUD_STATUS",
  "cancelation_status": null,
  "cancelation_update_date": null,
  "certification_date": "2020-12-24",
  "certification_authority": "FGV330542BG6",
  "payment_type": null,
  "payment_type_description": null,
  "payment_method": null,
  "usage": "P01",
  "place_of_issue": "11000",
  "version": "3.3",
  "invoice_details": [
      "description": "Pago",
      "product_identification": "84111506",
      "quantity": 1,
      "unit_amount": 0,
      "unit_code": "ACT",
      "unit_description": null,
      "pre_tax_amount": 0,
      "tax_percentage": 0,
      "tax_amount": 0,
      "total_amount": 0,
      "retained_taxes": [],
      "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z"
  "currency": "MXN",
  "subtotal_amount": 0,
  "exchange_rate": null,
  "tax_amount": 0,
  "discount_amount": 0,
  "total_amount": 0,
  "payments": [
      "date": "2020-03-17T12:00:00.000Z",
      "payment_type": "03",
      "currency": "BRL",
      "exchange_rate": "3.75",
      "amount": 8000.5,
      "operation_number": "831840",
      "beneficiary_rfc": "BNM840515VB1",
      "beneficiary_account_number": "12343453245633",
      "payer_rfc": "BKJM840515VB1",
      "payer_account_number": "13343663245699",
      "payer_bank_name": "CITI BANAMEX",
      "related_documents": [
          "invoice_identification": "7EE015F3-6311-11EA-B02A-00155D014007",
          "currency": "MXN",
          "payment_method": "PPD",
          "previous_balance": 18877.84,
          "amount_paid": 8000,
          "outstanding_balance": 10877.84
  "payroll": null,
  "folio": "28",
  "xml": "=XML-STRING=",
  "warnings": {
    "code": "warning_code",
    "message": "warning message"
  "id": "90d90e38-0087-4b6d-b6dc-94ea561bb9cb",
  "link": "1bd948f7-245d-4313-b604-34d1044cb908",
  "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:46:20.406032Z",
  "invoice_identification": "862B9918-3K6H-4E0B-NAI9-2BE2D833B840",
  "invoice_date": "2020-12-24",
  "status": "Vigente",
  "invoice_type": "Nómina",
  "type": "INFLOW",
  "sender_id": "GHTF980303F7",
  "sender_name": "ACNE SA DE CV",
  "sender_tax_fraud_status": "NO_TAX_FRAUD_STATUS",
  "receiver_id": "MNMK3203409H1",
  "receiver_name": "Roberto Martinez Diaz",
  "receiver_tax_fraud_status": "NO_TAX_FRAUD_STATUS",
  "cancelation_status": null,
  "cancelation_update_date": null,
  "certification_date": "2020-12-24",
  "certification_authority": "FGV330542BG6",
  "payment_type": "99",
  "payment_type_description": null,
  "payment_method": "PUE",
  "usage": "P01",
  "place_of_issue": "11000",
  "version": "3.3",
  "invoice_details": [
      "description": "Pago de nómina",
      "product_identification": "84111505",
      "quantity": 1,
      "unit_code": "ACT",
      "unit_description": null,
      "unit_amount": 20400.1,
      "total_amount": 20400.1,
      "pre_tax_amount": 20400.1,
      "tax_percentage": 0,
      "tax_amount": 0,
      "retained_taxes": [],
      "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z"
  "currency": "MXN",
  "subtotal_amount": 20400.1,
  "exchange_rate": 1,
  "tax_amount": 0,
  "discount_amount": 5000,
  "total_amount": 15400.1,
  "payments": [],
  "payroll": {
    "days": 30,
    "type": "O",
    "amount": 20400.1,
    "date_to": "2020-12-31",
    "version": "1.2",
    "date_from": "2020-12-01",
    "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
    "payment_date": "2020-12-24",
    "periodicity": "MONTHLY",
    "earnings_breakdown": [
        "type": "SALARY",
        "taxable_amount": 20400.1,
        "vat_free_amount": 0
        "type": "BONUS",
        "taxable_amount": 1012.1,
        "vat_free_amount": 0
    "tax_deductions": [
        "type": "UNION_FEES",
        "amount": 1505
    "other_payments": [
        "type": "EMPLOYMENT_SUBSIDY",
        "amount": 1505
  "folio": "28",
  "xml": "=XML-STRING=",
  "warnings": {
    "code": "warning_code",
    "message": "warning message"
  "id": "90d90e38-0087-4b6d-b6dc-94ea561bb9cb",
  "link": "1bd948f7-245d-4313-b604-34d1044cb908",
  "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:46:20.406032Z",
  "invoice_identification": "862B9918-3K6H-4E0B-NAI9-2BE2D833B840",
  "invoice_date": "2020-12-24",
  "status": "Vigente",
  "invoice_type": "Egreso",
  "type": "INFLOW",
  "sender_id": "GHTF980303F7",
  "sender_name": "Roberto Martinez Diaz",
  "sender_tax_fraud_status": "NO_TAX_FRAUD_STATUS",
  "receiver_id": "MNMK3203409H1",
  "receiver_name": "ACNE SA DE CV",
  "receiver_tax_fraud_status": "NO_TAX_FRAUD_STATUS",
  "cancelation_status": null,
  "cancelation_update_date": null,
  "certification_date": "2020-12-24",
  "certification_authority": "FGV330542BG6",
  "payment_type": "04",
  "payment_type_description": null,
  "payment_method": "PUE",
  "usage": "G03",
  "place_of_issue": "11000",
  "version": "3.3",
  "invoice_details": [
      "product_identification": "78111500",
      "description": "Reembolso del servicio",
      "unit_code": "E48",
      "unit_description": "Unidad de servicio",
      "quantity": 1,
      "unit_amount": 25,
      "pre_tax_amount": 25,
      "tax_percentage": 16,
      "tax_amount": 4,
      "total_amount": 29,
      "retained_taxes": [],
      "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z"
  "currency": "MXN",
  "subtotal_amount": 25,
  "exchange_rate": 1,
  "tax_amount": 4,
  "discount_amount": 0,
  "total_amount": 29,
  "payments": [],
  "payroll": null,
  "folio": "28",
  "xml": "=XML-STRING=",
  "warnings": {
    "code": "warning_code",
    "message": "warning message"
  "id": "90d90e38-0087-4b6d-b6dc-94ea561bb9cb",
  "link": "1bd948f7-245d-4313-b604-34d1044cb908",
  "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:46:20.406032Z",
  "invoice_identification": "862B9918-3K6H-4E0B-NAI9-2BE2D833B840",
  "invoice_date": "2020-12-24",
  "status": "Vigente",
  "invoice_type": "Traslado",
  "type": "INFLOW",
  "sender_id": "GHTF980303F7",
  "sender_name": "ACNE SA DE CV",
  "sender_tax_fraud_status": "NO_TAX_FRAUD_STATUS",
  "receiver_id": "MNMK3203409H1",
  "receiver_name": "CARGOS S.A. DE C.V.",
  "receiver_tax_fraud_status": "NO_TAX_FRAUD_STATUS",
  "cancelation_status": null,
  "cancelation_update_date": null,
  "certification_date": "2020-12-24",
  "certification_authority": "FGV330542BG6",
  "payment_type": null,
  "payment_type_description": null,
  "payment_method": null,
  "usage": "G03",
  "place_of_issue": "11000",
  "version": "3.3",
  "invoice_details": [
      "description": "FLETE",
      "product_identification": "78101802",
      "quantity": 1,
      "unit_code": "E48",
      "unit_description": "Unidad de servicio",
      "unit_amount": 21000,
      "pre_tax_amount": 21000,
      "tax_percentage": 16,
      "tax_amount": 0,
      "total_amount": 21000,
      "retained_taxes": [],
      "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z"
  "currency": "MXN",
  "subtotal_amount": 0,
  "exchange_rate": 1,
  "tax_amount": 0,
  "discount_amount": 0,
  "total_amount": 0,
  "payments": [],
  "payroll": null,
  "folio": "28",
  "xml": "=XML-STRING=",
  "warnings": {
    "code": "warning_code",
    "message": "warning message"