Transactions (OFDA) Data
Read up on the details for Transactions in Belvo's OFDA product.
With Belvo's Open Finance Data Aggregation (OFDA) product for Brazil, you can retrieve key information regarding each transaction that occurred for a given account.

For each transaction, you receive:
- Core information about the transaction (amount, currency, description, date, the account that the transaction belongs to).
- In the case that the transaction was a PIX transaction, information regarding the other party.
- In the case that the transaction is from a credit card account, detailed information regarding any fees that were applied, whether it was an installment, and on what bill the transaction appears on.
- In the case that the transaction is from a loan-type account, detailed information regarding any fees or charges that were applied to the loan repayment.
Core Information
Within the core transaction information, Open Finance provides you with more robust and standardized data such as the account subtype, improved agency and account information, as well as the bank's internal identification for the field (all standardized across any partner in the Open Finance network).
"id": "076c66e5-90f5-4e01-99c7-50e32f65ae42",
"link": "0cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8",
"created_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
"collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
"account": {}, // See our dedicated Accounts (OFDA) Data article
"internal_identification": "TXpRMU9UQTROM",
"value_date": "2019-10-23",
"transacted_at": "2019-10-23T13:01:41.941Z",
"accounting_date": "2019-10-23",
"amount": "2145.45",
"local_currency_amount": "2145.45",
"currency": "BRL",
"type": "INFLOW",
"status": "PROCESSED",
"category": "Income & Payments",
"subcatory": "Freelance",
"payment_type": "FULL",
"operation_type": "PIX",
"operation_type_additional_info": "InformaƧƵes sobre a transaĆ§Ć£o PIX",
"mcc": "5137",
"counterparty": {}, // See the specific counterparty section below
"credit_card_data": {}, // See the specific credit_card_data section below
"loan_data": {} // // See the specific loan_data section below
parameter name | type | description | example |
id | string | Belvo's unique identifier for the current item. | 076c66e5-90f5-4e01-99c7-50e32f65ae42 |
link | string | The the data belongs to. | 30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8 |
created_at | string (date-time) | The ISO-8601 timestamp of when the data point was created in Belvo's database. | 2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z |
collected_at | string (date-time) | The ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected. | 2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z |
account | object | Details regarding the account the transaction occurred in. | See Accounts (OFDA) Data for details. |
internal_identification | string | The institution's internal identification for the transaction. > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network. | TXpRMU9UQTROM |
value_date | string (date) | The date when the transaction occurred, in YYYY-MM-DD format.> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network. | 2019-10-23 |
transacted_at | string (date-time) | The ISO-8601 timestamp of when the transaction occurred (in the UTC timezone).* > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network for credit card and checking account transactions. | 2019-10-23T13:01:41.941Z |
accounting_date | string (date-time) | The date when the transaction was processed and accounted for by the institution, in YYYY-MM-DD format.> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network for credit card transactions. | 2019-10-23 |
amount | number | The transaction amount. ā¹ļø The amount displayed is always positive as we indicate the direction of the transaction in the type parameter.> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network. | 2145.45 |
local_currency_amount | number | The value of the transaction in the local currency. > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network for credit card transactions. | 2145.45 |
currency | string | The three-letter currency code (ISO-4217). | BRL |
description | string | The description of transaction provided by the institution. Usually this is the text that the end user sees in the online platform. > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network. | SEVEN BUDDHAS CNPJ:XXXXXXXXXX |
type | string | The direction of the transaction: - INFLOW indicates money coming into the account.- OUTFLOW indicates money going out of the account.- null when no information was present regarding the direction of the transaction. | INFLOW |
status | string | The status of the transaction. We return one of the following values: - PROCESSED (The transaction has been processed by the institution.)- PENDING (The institution clearly states that the transaction has not yet been processed.)- UNCATEGORIZED (deprecated)- null (deprecated) | PROCESSED |
category | string | The name of the transaction category. For more details, see our dedicated Transaction categorization article. | Income & Payments |
subcategory | string | The transaction subcategory. For more details, see our dedicated Transaction categorization article. | Freelance |
payment_type | string | The transaction payment type. We return one of the following values: FULL , INSTALLMENT , or null . | FULL |
operation_type | string | The type of transaction. For example, a PIX payment or a deposit. > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network for non-loan account transactions. | PIX |
operation_type_additional_info | string | Additional information regarding the operation_type , if applicable. | InformaƧƵes sobre a transaĆ§Ć£o PIX |
mcc | integer | The four-digit (ISO-18245 compliant) Merchant Category Code (MCC) for the transaction. This field is only applicable for credit card transactions. | 5137 |
counterparty | object | Information regarding the other party of this transaction, if available. | See the counterparty section for details. |
credit_card_data | object | Additional data provided by the institution for credit card transactions. | See the credit_card_data section for details. |
loan_data | object | Additional data provided by the institution for loan repayment transactions. | See the loan_data section for details. |
* transacted_at
For transactions that occurred before 31.01.2024, the timestamp may only indicate the day (for example, 2016-01-29T00:00:00.000Z). However, transactions that occurred after this date must include the date and time (2024-02-20T12:29:03.374Z).
Some institutions may not provide the exact time of the transaction. In this case, the timestamp will be set to 00:00:00.000Z. Belvo has identified the following institutions as not abiding by the regulation and have raised the issue with regulators: Bradesco, Itau, and Sicoob.
In the counterparty
object, we provide you with the information regarding the other party involved in the transaction, where possible within the Brazil Open Finance Network.
"counterparty": {
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"document_number": "43908445778",
"clearing_code": "001",
"agency": "6272",
"check_digit": "7",
"number": "67890854360"
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
type | string | The transaction counterparty type. We return one of the following values: INDIVIDUAL , COMPANY , or null . | INDIVIDUAL |
document_number | string | The document number of the counterparty. When the type is INDIVIDUAL , this is the CPF number. When the type is COMPANY , this is the CNPJ number. | 43908445778 |
clearing_code | string | The clearing code of the counterparty's bank account. | 001 |
agency | string | The agency of the counterparty's bank account. | 6272 |
check_digit | string | The check digit of the counterparty's bank account. | 4 |
number | string | The account number of the counterparty's bank account. | 67890854360 |
For transactions coming from credit card account, we include specific information regarding the transaction In the credit_card_data
object. This includes any fees that might be applied to the transaction and what bill it appears on (only applicable for bills that are closed).
"credit_card_data": {
"collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
"bill_name": "apr-2023",
"bill_due_date": "2023-04-16",
"bill_internal_identification": "9279212601992927921",
"bill_amount": 300,
"card_number": "4453",
"fee_type_additional_info": "ATM withdrawal in Coriciba.",
"credits_type": "REVOLVING_CREDIT",
"credits_type_additional_info": null,
"installment_identifier": "PARCELA_896",
"number_of_installments": 4,
"credit_card_bill": {
"id": "8e9d13c2-af41-4a49-b43e-2da012bd1d11",
"internal_identification": "9279212601992927921"
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
collected_at | string (date-time) | The ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected. | 2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z |
bill_name | string | The title of the monthly credit card bill the transaction belongs to. The format of the returned value is institution specific, however, some common examples are: - diciembre-2021 - dec-2021 - dec-21> Note: This field is only returned for 'closed' bills (meaning the billing period has ended and the bill has been emitted). If the billing period is still ongoing, we return null . | apr-2023 |
bill_due_date | string (date) | The date that the bill is due to be paid, in YYYY-MM-DD format.> Note: This field is only returned for 'closed' bills (meaning the billing period has ended and the bill has been emitted). If the billing period is still ongoing, we return null . | 2023-06-17 |
bill_internal_identification | string | The institution's internal identifier for the bill. > Note: This field is only returned for 'closed' bills (meaning the billing period has ended and the bill has been emitted). If the billing period is still ongoing, we return null . | 9279212601992927921 |
bill_amount | number | The bill amount, as of collected_at . For more information, see credit_card_bill . | 300 |
card_number | string | The credit card number. Often, this is just the last four digit of the credit card. > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network. | 4453 |
fee_type | string | The fee that can be charged for a card transaction. We return one of the following values: ANNUAL_FEE , NATIONAL_WITHDRAWAL , INTERNATIONAL_WITHDRAWAL , EMERGENCY_CREDIT_EVALUATION_FEE , DUPLICATE_ISSUANCE_FEE , PAYMENT_FEE , SMS_FEE , OTHERS , or null . | NATIONAL_WITHDRAWAL |
fee_type_additional_info | string | Additional information regarding the fee. Only required when fee_type is OTHERS . | ATM withdrawal in Coriciba. |
credits_type | string | Other types of credit that have been contracted on the card. We return one of the following values: REVOLVING_CREDIT , BILL_INSTALLMENT_PAYMENT , LOAN , OTHERS , or null . | REVOLVING_CREDIT |
credits_type_additional_info | string | Additional information regarding the credit type. Only required when credits_type is OTHERS . | null |
installment_identifier | string | An identifier for the installment, according to the institution. > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network. | 12 |
number_of_installments | integer | The total number of installments for the card transaction, if applicable. | 12 |
credit_card_bill | object | Information regarding the bill that this transaction appears on. | See the credit_card_bill section for details. |
In the credit_card_bill
object, we provide you with the reference information regarding the bill that this transaction appears on. For more information regarding the bill, use the Bills (OFDA) resource.
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
id | string | The unique identifier created by Belvo used to reference the current credit card bill. > Note: This field is only returned for 'closed' bills (meaning the billing period has ended and the bill has been emitted). If the billing period is still ongoing, we return null . | 8e9d13c2-af41-4a49-b43e-2da012bd1d11 |
internal_identification | string | The institution's internal identifier for the bill. > Note: This field is only returned for 'closed' bills (meaning the billing period has ended and the bill has been emitted). If the billing period is still ongoing, we return null . | 9279212601992927921 |
For transactions coming from loan-type account (loan repayment transactions), we include specific information regarding the transaction In the loan_data
object. This includes information regarding the installment, fees, and charges.
"loan_data": {
"is_detached": true,
"installment_id": "WGx0aExYcEJMVm93TFRsZFcyRXRla0V0V2pBdE9Wd3RYWH",
"fees": [
"name": "ReavaliaĆ§Ć£o periĆ³dica do bem",
"code": "aval_bem",
"amount": 8903.77
"charges": [
"info": "Late payment charge.",
"amount": 8903.77
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
is_detached | boolean | Boolean to indicate whether or not this loan payment was part of the original payment schedule. > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network. | true |
installment_id | string | The institution's unique ID for this payment installment. | WGx0aExYcEJMVm93TFR |
fees | array of objects | Details regarding the fees associated with this payment. Only applicable when is_detached = true . | See the fees section for details. |
charges | array of objects | Details regarding the charges associated with this payment. Only applicable when is_detached = true . | See the charges section for details. |
In the case the the loan repayment is detached, the fees
array will include detailed information regarding the fees applied on the loan repayment.
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
name | string | The name of the fee. > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network when the fees field is present. | ReavaliaĆ§Ć£o periĆ³dica do bem |
code | string | The institution's code for the fee. > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network when the fees field is present. | aval_bem |
amount | number | The amount of the fee. > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network when the fees field is present. | 8903.77 |
In the case the the loan repayment is detached, the charges
array will include detailed information regarding the charge applied on the loan repayment.
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
type | string | The type of charge. > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network when the charges field is present | LATE_PAYMENT_INTEREST_FEE |
info | string | Additional information regarding the charge type . Only required if charges.type is OTHERS. | null |
amount | number | The amount of the charge. > Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network when the charges field is present | 8903.77 |
Updated 7 months ago