Owners Individual (OFDA) Data

Read up on the details for Owners (Individuals) in Belvo's OFDA product.

With Belvo's Open Finance Data Aggregation (OFDA) product for Brazil, you can retrieve the owner information for an individual.

For each individual, you receive:

  • Core information about the individual (names, birth date, marital status, and contact information).
  • ID document and nationality details.
  • Information regarding their financial profile (including occupation, declared income, and current wealth).
  • Information regarding any products they have at the institution.

Core Owner (Individual) Information

  "id": "c749315b-eec2-435d-a458-06912878564f",
  "link": "30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8",
  "internal_identification": "7e5838e4",
  "collected_at": "2019-09-27T13:01:41.941Z",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "display_name": "Jack Oswald White",
  "social_name": "O Piadista",
  "birth_date": "1988-07-15",
  "marital_status": "SINGLE",
  "marital_status_additional_info": "It's complicated",
  "gender": "MALE",
  "companies_id": [
  "is_local_resident": true,
  "document_id": {}, // See the dedicated document_id section
  "additional_documents": [], // See the dedicated additional_documents section
  "nationalities": [], // See the dedicated nationalities section
  "email": "johndoe@belvo.com",
  "emails": [], // See the dedicated emails section
  "address": "Carrer de la Llacuna, 162, 08018 Barcelona",
  "addresses": [], // See the dedicated addresses section
  "phone_number": "+52-XXX-XXX-XXXX",
  "phone_numbers": [], // See the dedicated phone_numbers section
  "filiations": [],  // See the dedicated filiations section
  "financial_profile": {},  // See the dedicated financial_profile section
  "financial_relation": {} // See the dedicated financial_relation section
idstringBelvo's unique identifier for the current item.0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d
linkstringThe `link.id the data belongs to.30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8
The ISO-8601 timestamp of when the data point was created in Belvo's database.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
collected_at(date-time)The ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
internal_identificationstringThe institution's internal identifier for the owner.7e5838e4
display_namestringThe full name of the individual, as provided by the institution.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
Juan Kaique Cláudio Fernandes
social_namestringThe social name of the individual, as generally accepted by the country.Jaqueline de Freitas
The individual's date of birth, in YYYY-MM-DD format.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
marital_statusstringThe individual's marital status. We return one of the following values: SINGLE, MARRIED, WIDOWED, SEPARATED, DIVORCED, CIVIL_UNION, or OTHER.MARRIED
marital_status_additional_infostringAdditional information about the individual's marital status.Amasiado
genderstringThe individual's gender. We return on of the following values: FEMALE, MALE, or OTHERFEMALE
companies_idarray of stringsThe institutions responsible for the creation and verification of the owner.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
is_local_residentbooleanBoolean to indicate if the individual is a local resident of the country.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
document_idobjectInformation regarding the identification document the owner provided to the bank.

Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
See the document_id section for details.
additional_documentsarray of objectsDetailed information regarding additional documents provided to prove the individuals ID.

Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
See the additional_documents section for details.
nationalitiesarray of objectsDetailed information regarding the individual's nationalities.

Only required to be returned when is_local_resident is set to false.
See the nationalities section for details.
emailstringThe account owner's registered email address.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
emailsarray of objectsAdditional list of emails the owner provided.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
See the emails section for details.
addressstringThe account owner's registered address.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
Av Naburo Ykesaki, 1270, Marília, SP, 17500001, Brasil
addressesarray of objectsDetailed information regarding the owner's addresses.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
See the addresses section for details.
phone_numberstringThe account owner's registered phone number.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
phone_numbersarray of objectsDetailed information regarding the owner's phone numbers.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
See the phone_numbers section for details.
filiationsarray of objectsInformation regarding any familial relationships of the individual.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
See the filiations section for details.
financial_profileobjectInformation regarding the financial profile of the individual.See the financial_profile section for details.
financial_relationobjectDetails regarding any additional relationship the individual has with the institution (for example, other accounts or products they have with the institution).See the financial_relation section for details.


In the document_id object, you will receive the Brazilian identification number for the owner.

  "document_id": { 
    "document_type": "CPF",
    "document_number": "235578435-S"

document_typestringThe type of document the owner provided to the institution to open the account. Can be ether: CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas), or CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Jurídicas)

Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
document_numberstringThe document's identification number.

Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.


In the additional_documents array, you can receive information regarding additional ID documents that the owner provided to the financial institution.

  "additional_documents": [
      "type": "DRIVERS_LICENCE",
      "type_additional_info": "Learner's licence",
      "number": "DL-7896829-7",
      "check_digit": "7",
      "issue_date": "2019-01-01",
      "expiration_date": "2027-01-01",
      "country_of_issuance": "BRA",
      "additional_info": "O documento está danificado por água"

typestringThe type of ID document. We return one of the following values: DRIVERS_LICENCE, PASSPORT, ID_CARD, FISCAL_ID, FOREIGNER_REGISTRATION_CARD, OTHER, or nullDRIVERS_LICENCE
type_additional_infostringAdditional information regarding the document type.

> Note: For Business ID documents, this field must return a value from Brazil's open finance network.
Learner's licence
numberstringThe ID document's number.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
check_digitstringThe check digit of the ID document.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
The date the the ID document was issued, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2019-01-01
The date the the ID document expires, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2027-01-01
country_of_issuancestringThe three-letter country code that issued the document (in ISO-3166 Alpha 3 format).

This field must be returned when the type is PASSPORT.
additional_infostringAdditional information about the ID document.O documento está danificado por água


In the case that the owner does not have Brazilian nationality (is_local_resident is false) The nationalities array will contain information about the nationality of the individual (info) along with the identity document proving this nationality (documents).

  "nationalities": [
      "info": "CAN",
      "documents": [
          "type": "PASSPORT",
          "number": "PS-7896629-6",
          "issue_date": "2019-01-01",
          "expiration_date": "2029-01-01",
          "country_of_issuance": "CAN",
          "additional_info": "The document has water damage"
infostringThe nationality of the individual.CAN
documentsarray of objectsAdditional documents the individual provided regarding their nationality.See the documents section below.


typestringThe type of ID document. We return one of the following values: DRIVERS_LICENCE, PASSPORT, ID_CARD, FISCAL_ID, FOREIGNER_REGISTRATION_CARD, OTHER, or null

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
numberstringThe ID document's number.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
The date the the ID document was issued, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2019-01-01
The date the the ID document expires, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2027-01-01
country_of_issuancestringThe three-letter country code that issued the document (in ISO-3166 Alpha 3 format).

This field must be returned when the type is PASSPORT.
additional_infostringAdditional information about the ID document.O documento tem muitos vistos


In addition to the email field in core owner information, you also receive an array of emails that the owner provided to the institution.

  "emails": [
      "is_main": true,
      "email": "karinafernandes-81@br.inter.net"
parameter nametype (format)descriptionexample
is_mainbooleanIndicates whether the user indicated that this is their main phone number.
Note: A value must be returned by the Open Finance network.
emailstringThe email address.
Note: A value must be returned by the Open Finance network.


In addition to the address field in core owner information, you also receive an array of addresses that the owner provided to the institution which includes additional details.

  "addresses": [
      "is_main": true,
      "address": "Av Naburo Ykesaki, 1270",
      "additional_info": "In between two palm trees",
      "district_name": "CENTRO",
      "town": "Brasilia",
      "town_code": "3550308",
      "state": "SP",
      "postcode": "17500001",
      "country_name": "Brasil",
      "country_code": "BRA",
      "latitude": "-23.5475000",
      "longitude": "-46.6361100"

is_mainbooleanBoolean to indicate if this is the user's main address.
Non-Nullable: A value must be returned by the Open Finance network.
addressstringThe user's street address.
Non-Nullable: A value must be returned by the Open Finance network.
Av Naburo Ykesaki, 1270
additional_infostringAdditional information regarding the user's address.Fundos
district_namestringThe district of the address.CENTRO
townstringThe user's town.
Non-Nullable: A value must be returned by the Open Finance network.
town_codestringThe seven-digit code for the town, if applicable. For Brazil, this is the IBGE town code.3550308
statestringThe state that the address is located in.SP
postcodestringThe postcode of the address.
Non-Nullable: A value must be returned by the Open Finance network.
country_namestringThe name of the country.
Non-Nullable: A value must be returned by the Open Finance network.
country_codestringThe three-letter country code (ISO-3166 Alpha 3 compliant).BRA
latitudestringThe geographic latitude coordinate.-23.5475000
longitudestringThe geographic longitude coordinate.-46.6361100


In addition to the phone_number field in core owner information, you also receive an array of phone numbers that the owner provided to the institution which includes additional details.

  "phone_numbers": [
      "is_main": true,
      "type": "MOBILE",
      "additional_info": "This is their work mobile number.",
      "number": "29875132",
      "country_code": "351",
      "area_code": "21",
      "extension": "932"

parameter nametype (format)descriptionexample
is_mainbooleanIndicates whether the user indicated that this is their main phone number.
Non-Nullable: A value must be returned by the Open Finance network.
typestringThe type of phone number. We return one of the following values: LANDLINE, MOBILE, or OTHER.
Note: A value must be returned by the Open Finance network.
additional_infostringAdditional information about the phone number.This is their work mobile number.
numberintegerThe phone number (not including the country, area, or extension codes).
Note: A value must be returned by the Open Finance network.
country_codeintegerThe country dialling code. For example: 351 (no +).351
area_codeintegerThe area dialling code.21
extensionintegerThe extension code.932


In the filiations array, you can receive information regarding the owner's parental relations.

  "filiations": [
      "type": "FATHER",
      "civil_name": "Marcelo Cláudio Fernandes",
      "social_name": "The Dark Knight"
parameter nametype (format)descriptionexample
typestringThe familial relationship. We return one of the following values: MOTHER, FATHER or null.
Note: A value must be returned by the Open Finance network.
civil_namestringThe person's full name.
Note: A value must be returned by the Open Finance network.
Marcelo Cláudio Fernandes
social_namestringThe person's social name.Cláudio Fernandes


In the financial_profile array, you can receive information that the owner declared regarding their occupation, their income (informed_income), and current value of their holdings (patrimony).

  "financial_profile": {
    "company_id": "50685362000135",
    "occupation_code": "BRAZIL_OCCUPATION_CODE",
    "occupation_description": "01",
    "informed_income": {
      "frequency": "MONTHLY",
      "amount": 45391.89,
      "currency": "BRL",
      "date": "2020-03-19"
    "patrimony": {
      "amount": 45391.89,
      "currency": "BRL",
      "year": 2020
company_idstringThe identifier of the company where the individual is employed.50685362000135
occupation_codestringThe area of employment of the individual. We return one of the following values: BRAZIL_PUBLIC_OFFICE, BRAZIL_OCCUPATION_CODE, OTHER, or nullBRAZIL_OCCUPATION_CODE
occupation_descriptionstringInformation regarding the individual's occupation.01
informed_incomeobjectInformation regarding the individual's reported income.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
See the informed_income section for details.
patrimonyobjectInformation regarding the individual's reported assets (if available).See the patrimony section for details.


frequencystringIndicates how often the individual receives their salary. We return one of the following values: DAILY, WEEKLY, FORTNIGHTLY, MONTHLY, BIMONTHLY, QUARTERLY, BIANNUALLY, ANNUALLY, or OTHERS.MONTHLY
amountnumberThe reported income that the individual receives.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
currencystringThe three-letter currency code (ISO-4217).

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
Date when the individual last received their salary.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.


amountnumberThe reported assets of the individual.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
currencystringThe three-letter currency code (ISO-4217).

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network when the patrimony object is available.
yearintegerThe year that the reported assets applied.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network when the patrimony object is available.


In the financial_relation object, you can receive information regarding the individuals that can access the account (procurators) as well as the products the owner has at the institution (products).

  "financial_relation": {
    "start_date": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
    "product_services": ["CONTA_DEPOSITO_A_VISTA"],
    "product_services_additional_info": "Joint account with Robin",
    "procurators": [
        "type": "LEGAL_REPRESENTATIVE",
        "civil_name": "Elza Milena Stefany Teixeira",
        "social_name": "Milena Teixeira",
        "document_number": "73677831148"
    "products": [
        "type": "SAVINGS_ACCOUNT",
        "subtype": "CONJUNTA_SIMPLES",
        "agency": "6272",
        "clearing_code": "001",
        "number": "24550245",
        "check_digit": "7"
The ISO-8601 timestamp when the financial relationship between the individual and the institution started.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
product_servicesarray of stringsA list of products that the individual has with the institution.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
product_services_additional_infostringAdditional information regarding the products that the individual has.Informações adicionais do tipo de seguro.
procuratorsarray of objectsInformation regarding any individuals or companies that can act on behalf of the owner.See the procurators section for details.
productsarray of objectsDetails regarding any additional products that the individual has with the institution.See the products section for details.
salary_portability_requestsarray of objectsDetails regarding any salary portability requests that the individual has made with the institution. A salary portability is a request to transfer the individual's salary from their employer's 'payroll' bank account to another bank account.

Note: Please note that the receiving bank account cannot terminate a salary portability (or be informed that it has been termnated). Only the employer's payroll bank is able to provide this information. As such, the portabilities listed here may not be up-to-date.
See the salary_portability_requests section for details .
payroll_accountsarray of objectsDetails regarding any payroll bank accounts that are associated with the individual. That is, each time the indivudal has a new employer that they receive a salary from, it should be listed here.

Note: Past employers may not close the payroll account for the indiviual. As such, the payroll accounts listed here may not be up-to-date.
See the payroll_accounts section for details .


typestringThe type of representative that can access and make changes to the account. We return one of the following values: LEGAL_REPRESENTATIVE, ATTORNEY, or null.LEGAL_REPRESENTATIVE
civil_namestringThe representatives's full name.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the procurators field is available.
Elza Milena Stefany Teixeira
social_namestringThe person's social name.Milena Teixeira
document_numberstringThe document number of the representative.

Note: For individuals, this is Brazil's CPF number. For businesses, this is Brazil's CNPJ number.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the procurators field is available.


typestringThe additional products the individual has at the institution. We return one of the following values: SAVINGS_ACCOUNT, CHECKING_ACCOUNT, or null.SAVINGS_ACCOUNT
subtypestringThe subtype of the product that the individual has at the institution.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the products field is available.
agencystringThe branch code where the product was opened.6272
clearing_codestringThe banking clearing code for the product.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the products field is available.
numberstringThe account number of the product.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the procurators field is available.
check_digitstringThe check digit of the product's number.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the products field is available.


employer_namestringThe name of the employer.ACME Inc.
employer_id_numberstringThe CPF or CNPJ of the employer.12345678901
employer_bank_id_numberstringThe CNPJ of the employer's bank.12345678901234
employer_bank_codestringThe bank ISPB (Identificador de Sistema de Pagamentos Brasileiros) code of the employer's bank.12345678
portability_approval_datestring (date)The date the portability request was approved, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2024-04-01


employer_namestringThe name of the employer.ACME Inc.
employer_id_numberstringThe CPF or CNPJ of the employer.12345678901
employer_bank_id_numberstringThe CNPJ of the employer's bank.12345678901234
employer_bank_codestringThe bank ISPB (Identificador de Sistema de Pagamentos Brasileiros) code of the employer's bank.12345678
account_opening_datestring (date)The date that the salary bank account was opened, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2024-04-01