Bills (OFDA) Data

Read up on the details for Transactions in Belvo's OFDA product.

With Belvo's Open Finance Data Aggregation (OFDA) product for Brazil, you can retrieve the credit card bill information for a link.

For each bill, you receive:

  • the total amount of the bill.
  • the due date for the bill to be paid.
  • any fees and charges associated with the bill.
  • the payments made to pay off the bill.


Bills are only available for closed periods

In the Open Finance Network, credit card bill information is only available for periods (for example, months) that are "closed" according to the institution.

Core Information

  "id": "0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "account": {}, // // See our dedicated Accounts (OFDA) Data article
  "internal_identification": "9279212601992927921",
  "bill_name": "apr-2020",
  "due_date": "2021-09-06",
  "currency": "BRL",
  "total_amount": 45391.89,
  "minimum_amount": 391.89,
  "is_installment": false,
  "finance_charges": [
      "type": "LATE_PAYMENT_INTEREST",
      "additional_info": "Paid 15 days late, fee applied.", 
      "currency": "BRL",
      "amount": 91.89
  "payments": [
      "type": "FULL",
      "payment_date": "2021-09-04",
      "payment_mode": "DIRECT_DEBIT",
      "currency": "BRL",
      "amount": 45391.89
idstringBelvo's unique identifier for the current item.0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d
The ISO-8601 timestamp of when the data point was created in Belvo's database.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
The ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
accountobjectDetails regarding the account the bill is associated with.See our dedicated Accounts (OFDA) Data article for details.
internal_identificationstringThe institution's internal identifier for the bill.9279212601992927921
bill_namestringThe title of the monthly credit card bill the transaction belongs to. The format of the returned value is institution specific, however, some common examples are:

- diciembre-2021
- dec-2021
- dec-21> Note: This field is only returned for 'closed' bills (meaning the billing period has ended and the bill has been emitted). If the billing period is still ongoing, we return null.
The date that the bill is to be paid, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2021-09-06
currencystringThe three-letter currency code (ISO-4217).BRL
total_amountnumberThe total amount of the bill.45391.89
minimum_amountnumberThe minimum amount to pay.391.89
is_installmentbooleanBoolean to indicate whether this bill can be paid in installments.false
finance_chargesarray of objectsDetails regarding any charges that were applied to the credit card bill.See the finance_charges section for details.
paymentsarray of objectsDetails regarding the payments made to pay off the credit card bill.See the payments section for details.


In the finance_charges array we provide you information regarding any charges that were applied to the bill.

  "finance_charges": [
      "type": "LATE_PAYMENT_INTEREST",
      "additional_info": "Paid 15 days late, fee applied.", 
      "currency": "BRL",
      "amount": 91.89

typestringThe type of finance charge applied to the bill. We return one of the following values: LATE_PAYMENT_INTEREST, LATE_FEE, ARREARS_INTEREST, IOF, NO_CHARGE, OTHER, or null.LATE_PAYMENT_INTEREST
additional_infostringAdditional information about the finance charge.Paid 15 days late, fee applied.
currencystringThe three-letter currency code (ISO-4217).BRL
amountnumberThe amount of the finance charge.91.89


In the payments array we provide you information regarding the payments made to pay off the bill.

  "payments": [
      "type": "FULL",
      "payment_date": "2021-09-04",
      "payment_mode": "DIRECT_DEBIT",
      "currency": "BRL",
      "amount": 45391.89
typestringThe type of payment. We return one of the following values: INSTALLMENT, FULL, OTHER, or null.FULL
The date that the payment was made, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2021-09-04
payment_modestringThe method in which the payment was made. We return one of the following values: DIRECT_DEBIT, BANK_SLIP, SALARY_DEDUCTION, PIX, or null.DIRECT_DEBIT
currencystringThe three-letter currency code (ISO-4217).BRL
amountnumberThe amount of the payment.45391.89