Accounts (OFDA) Data

Read up on the details for Accounts in Belvo's OFDA product.

With Belvo's Open Finance Data Aggregation (OFDA) product for Brazil, you can retrieve the account information for a link.

For each account that the user has, you receive:

  • Core information about the account (category, type, number, currency).
  • Balance and overdraft information
  • In the case that the account is a credit card account, detailed information regarding the credit limits and cards.
  • In the case that the account is a loan-type account, detailed information regarding the loan amount, repayment schedule, interest rates, and more.

Core information

  "id": "0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d",
  "link": "30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "collected_at": "2019-09-27T13:01:41.941Z",
  "last_accessed_at": "2021-03-09T10:28:40.000Z",
  "category": "CHECKING_ACCOUNT",
  "balance_type": "ASSET",
  "currency": "BRL",
  "name": null,
  "subtype": "INDIVIDUAL",
  "number": "11188222",
  "agency": "6272",
  "check_digit": "4",
  "public_identification_name": "AGENCY/NUMBER",
  "public_identification_value": "6272/11188222",
  "internal_identification": "92792126019929279212650822221989319252576",
  "institution": {
    "name": "ofmockbank_br_retail",
    "type": "bank"
  "balance": {}, // See the specific balance section below
  "overdraft": {}, // See the specific overdraft section below
  "credit_data": {}, // See the specific credit_data section below
  "loan_data": {} // See the specific loan_data section below

idstringBelvo's unique identifier for the current item.0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d
linkstringThe the data belongs to.30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8
The ISO-8601 timestamp of when the data point was created in Belvo's database.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
The ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected.2019-09-27T13:01:41.941Z
The ISO-8601 timestamp when Belvo last accessed the account.2021-03-09T10:28:40.000Z
categorystringThe type of account.
typestringThe account type, as designated by the institution.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
subtypestringThe account subtype, as designated by the institution.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
namestringThe account name, as given by the institution.CONTA_DEPOSITO_A_VISTA
numberstringThe account number, as designated by the institution.4057068115181
agencystringThe branch code where the product was opened.6272
check_digitstringThe check digit of the product's number, if applicable.7
clearing_codestringThe clearing code for the account.1
currencystringThe three-letter currency code (ISO-4217).

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the balances field is available.
public_identification_namestringThe public name for the type of identification. For 🇧🇷 Brazilian savings and checking accounts, this field will be AGENCY/ACCOUNT.AGENCY/ACCOUNT
public_identification_valestringThe value for the public_identification_name.

For 🇧🇷 OFDA Brazilian savings and checking accounts, this field will be the agency and bank account number, separated by a slash. For example: 0444/45722-0.

For 🇧🇷 OFDA Brazilian credit card accounts, we will return a string of concatenated credit card numbers associated with the account. For example: "8763,9076,5522"
internal_identificationstringThe institution's internal identification for the account.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the balances field is available.
balance_typestringIndicates whether this account is either an ASSET or a LIABILITY. You can consider the balance of an ASSET as being positive, while the balance of a LIABILITY as negative.ASSET
balanceobjectDetails regarding the current and available balances for the account.See the balance section for details.
overdraftobjectDetails regarding any overdraft limits the user has with the institution for this account.See the overdraft section for details.
credit_dataobjectDetails regarding the credit cards associated with this account.See the credit_data section for details.
loan_dataobjectThe loan options associated with this account.See the loan_data section for details.


In the balance object, we provide you with the information regarding the account's balances.

  "balance": {
    "current": 5874.13,
    "available": 5621.12,
    "blocked": 60.32,
    "automatically_invested": 131.5
currentnumberThe current balance is calculated differently according to the type of account.*5874.13
availablenumberThe balance that the account owner can use. *5621.12
blockednumberThe amount that is currently blocked due to pending transactions.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the balances field is available.
automatically_investednumberThe amount that is automatically invested (as agreed upon with the institution).

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the balances field is available.

* Please note that for the current and available fields, the values returned for checking, credit card, or loan accounts depend on the account type:

ParameterChecking or SavingsCredit CardsLoan Account
currentThe user's account balances as of the collected_at timestamp.The amount the user has spent in the current card billing period.The amount remaining to pay on the users's loan.
availableThe available balance may be different to the current balance due to pending transactions.The credit amount the user still has available for the current period.The present value required to pay off the loan, as provided by the institution.Note: If the institution does not provide this value, we return null.


In the overdraft object, you can see what limits have been agreed with the bank (arranged), how much the user has already used (used), and whether or not the user has gone over their limit without agreeing with the bank (unarranged).

  "overdraft": {
    "arranged": 5000.5,
    "used": 1000.5,
    "unarranged": 300.1
arrangednumberThe agreed upon overdraft limit between the account holder and the institution.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the overdraft field is available.
usednumberThe overdraft value used.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the overdraft field is available.
unarrangednumberThe overdraft used that was not arranged between the account holder and the institution.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the overdraft field is available.


Only applicable for credit card accounts.

In the credit_data object, we provide you with the details of the credit card account, including:

  • detailed information regarding the type of limit the credit card has (limits)
  • the network that the card belongs to (network and network_additional_info)
  • whether or not there are multiple cards associated with the credit card account (cards)
  "credit_data": {
    "credit_limit": 192000.9,
    "cutting_date": "2019-12-11",
    "minimum_payment": 2400.3,
    "network": "MASTERCARD",
    "network_additional_info": "AURA CARD",
    "limits": [
        "identification_number": "4453",
        "credit_limit": 1000.04,
        "used_amount": 400.04,
        "available_amount": 600,
        "is_limit_flexible": false,
        "type": "TOTAL_LIMIT",
        "consolidation_type": "INDIVIDUAL",
        "line_name": "CREDITO_A_VISTA",
        "line_name_additional_info": "Informações adicionais e complementares"
    "cards": [
        "is_multiple": false,
        "identification_number": "4453"
credit_limitnumberThe upper credit limit of the card.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
The date when the credit card's bill is due.2019-12-11
minimum_paymentnumberThe minimum amount that the account owner needs to pay in the current credit period.2400.3
networkstringThe credit network that the card is associated with. We return one of the following values: VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN_EXPRESS, DINERS_CLUB, HIPERCARD, BANDEIRA_PROPRIA, CHEQUE_ELETRONICO, ELO, or OTHER.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
network_additional_infostringAdditional information about the credit card network.AURA CARD
limitsarray of objectsDetails regarding the credit limits for each credit card associated with the account.See the limits section for details.
cardsarray of objectsDetails regarding the cards associated with the account.See the cards section for details.


For each card associated with the account, you receive a separate limits object detailing the credit limits and usage for the given card.

  "credit_data": {
    "limits": [
        "identification_number": "4453",
        "credit_limit": 1000.04,
        "used_amount": 400.04,
        "available_amount": 600,
        "is_limit_flexible": false,
        "type": "TOTAL_LIMIT",
        "consolidation_type": "INDIVIDUAL",
        "line_name": "CREDITO_A_VISTA",
        "line_name_additional_info": "Informações adicionais e complementares"
identification_numberstringThe credit card number.

Note: Often, this is just the last four digit of the credit card.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
credit_limitnumberThe limit of the credit card.1000.04
used_amountnumberThe amount used.400.04
available_amountnumberThe amount still available.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
is_limit_flexiblebooleanBoolean to indicate if the credit_limit is flexible.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
typestringThe type of limit. We return one of the following values: TOTAL_LIMIT or MODAL_LIMIT.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
consolidation_typestringIndicates whether or not the credit limit is consolidated or individual.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
line_namestringThe credit limit line name.CREDITO_A_VISTA
line_name_additional_infostringAdditional information about the line name.Informações adicionais e complementares


For each credit card associated with the account, you receive a cards object detailing the the identification number of the card.

  "credit_data": {
    "cards": [
        "is_multiple": false,
        "identification_number": "4453"

is_multiplebooleanBoolean to indicate if this account has multiple credit cards.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
identification_numberstringThe credit card number.

Note: Often, this is just the last four digit of the credit card.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.


In the loan_data object, we provide you with the details of the loan account, including:

  • The type of loan (loan_type)
  • The start and end dates of the loan (contract_start_date and contract_end_date)
  • A detailed breakdown of the interest rates applied to the loan (interest_rates.interest_rate_data)
  • The collateral provided for the loan (collaterals)
  • Whether any balloon payments have been made (balloon_payments)
  "loan_data": {
    "loan_type": "HOME_EQUITY",
    "loan_code": "92792126019929279212650822221989319252576",
    "contract_number": "1324926521496",
    "contract_amount": 202000,
    "total_effective_cost": 209000,
    "outstanding_balance": 182000,

    "contract_start_date": "2020-03-01",
    "disbursement_dates": ["2021-09-23"],
    "settlement_date": "2021-09-23",
    "contract_end_date": "2027-10-01",

    "installments_contract_term_frequency": "MONTH",
    "installment_frequency": "MONTHLY",
    "installment_frequency_info": "Sem informações adicionais",
    "first_installment_due_date": "2020-03-01",
    "number_of_installments_total": 60,
    "number_of_installments_outstanding": 48,
    "number_of_installments_paid": 32,
    "number_of_installments_past_due": 2,
    "contract_remaining_frequency": "MONTH",
    "contract_remaining_total": 20,
    "amortization_schedule": "SEM_SISTEMA_AMORTIZACAO",
    "amortization_schedule_info": "Sem informações adicionais",
    "consignee_id": "60500998000135",
    "interest_rates": [
        "name": "NOMINAL",
        "type": "MONTHLY",
        "value": 7.85,
            "tax_type": "NOMINAL",
            "rate_type": "SIMPLE",
            "type": "MONTHLY",
            "calculation_base": "30/360",
            "reference_index_type": "FLOATING",
            "reference_index_subtype": "TR_TBF",
            "reference_index_info": "Informações adicionais sobre o TJLP",
            "pre_fixed_rate": 0.062,
            "post_fixed_rate": 0.062,
            "additional_info": "Informações adicionais sobre a taxa"
    "fees": [
        "name": "Renovação de cadastro",
        "code": "CADASTRO",
        "fee_charge_type": "SINGLE",
        "fee_charge": "FIXED",
        "value": 5.6,
        "rate": 0.062
    "contracted_charges": [
        "type": "LATE_PAYMENT_INTEREST_FEE",
        "info": "Late fee",
        "rate": 0.062
    "collaterals": [
        "type": "HIPOTECA",
        "subtype": "IMOVEIS_RESIDENCIAIS",
        "currency": "BRL",
        "amount": 45391.89
    "balloon_payments": [
        "due_date": "2021-09-06",
        "currency": "BRL",
        "amount": 45391.89
loan_typestringThe type of the loan, according to the institution.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
loan_codestringThe country-specific standardized contract number.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
contract_numberstringThe contract number of the loan, as given by the institution.1324926521496
contract_amountnumberThe initial total loan amount when the contract was signed, calculated by the institution. This amount includes the principal + interest + taxes + fees.202000
total_effective_costnumberThe initial total effective cost of the loan.209000
outstanding_balancenumberThe amount remaining to pay in total, including interest.182000
The date when the loan contract was signed, in YYYY-MM-DD format.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
disbursement_datesarray of stringsAn array of dates when the loan was disbursed. Each date is in YYYY-MM-DD format.["2021-09-23"]
The date that the loan was settled, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2021-09-23
The date when the loan is expected to be completed, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2027-10-01
installments_contract_term_frequencystringThe frequency of contracted installment payments, as defined when the contract was first signed. We return one of the following: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, NO_DEADLINE_REMAINING, or null.MONTH
installment_frequencystringThe frequency that the installments are paid. We return one of the following values: IRREGULAR, WEEKLY, FORTNIGHTLY, MONTHLY, BIMONTHLY, QUARTERLY, BIANNUALLY, ANNUALLY, or OTHER.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
installment_frequency_infostringAdditional information regarding the installment_frequency.Sem informações adicionais
The date when the first installment of the loan is to be paid, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2020-03-01
number_of_installments_totalintegerThe total number of installments required to pay the loan.60
number_of_installments_outstandingintegerThe number of installments left to pay.48
number_of_installments_paidintegerThe number of installments already paid.32
number_of_installments_past_dueintegerThe number of installments that are overdue.2
contract_remaining_frequencystringThe frequency of the remaining contracted installment payments, as defined when the contract was first signed. We return one of the following: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, NO_DEADLINE_REMAINING, or null.MONTH
contract_remaining_totalThe total number of installments remaining on the loan.20
amortization_schedulestringThe loan amortization schedule.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
amortization_schedule_infostringAdditional information regarding the amortization_schedule.Sem informações adicionais
consignee_idstringThe ID of the consignee of the loan.60500998000135
interest_ratesarray of objectsBreakdown of the interest applied to the loan. With OF Brazil, we highly recommend using the information in interest_rate_data for in-depth information.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
See the interest_rates section for details.
feesarray of objectsBreakdown of the fees applied to the loan.See the fees section for details.
contracted_chargesarray of objectsBreakdown of the charges applied to the loan.See the contracted_charges section for details.
collateralsarray of objectsDetails regarding any loan collaterals that the individual or business supplied.See the collaterals section for details.
balloon_paymentsarray of objectsDetailed information regarding any balloon payments for the loan, if applicable.See the balloon_payments section for details.


In the interest_rates array we provide you information regarding the interest rates of the loan. For each interest rate applied to the load, you receive a separate object.

  "loan_data": {
    "interest_rates": [
        "name": "NOMINAL",
        "type": "MONTHLY",
        "value": 7.85,
            "tax_type": "NOMINAL",
            "rate_type": "SIMPLE",
            "type": "MONTHLY",
            "calculation_base": "30/360",
            "reference_index_type": "FLOATING",
            "reference_index_subtype": "TR_TBF",
            "reference_index_info": "Informações adicionais sobre o TJLP",
            "pre_fixed_rate": 0.062,
            "post_fixed_rate": 0.062,
            "additional_info": "Informações adicionais sobre a taxa"

However, we highly recommend that you use the interest_rate_data array within the interest_rates object as it contained more detailed information regarding the loan.

namestringThe name of the type of interest rate applied to the loan.

Note: For OFDA Brazil, we recommend you use the interest_date_data.tax_type parameter.
typestringThe period that the interest is applied to the loan.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
valuenumberThe interest rate (in percent or currency value).

Note: For OFDA Brazil, we recommend you use the interest_date_data.pre_fixed_rate and interest_date_data.post_fixed_rateparameter.
interest_rate_dataobjectsDetailed information regarding the interest rate.See the interest_rate_data section.


The interest_rate_data object contains detailed information regarding each interest rate applied to the loan. We highly recommend using the data within this field as it contains more specific information regarding each interest rate.

tax_typestringThe type of interest rate tax. We return one of the following values: NOMINAL or EFFECTIVE.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
rate_typestringThe type of interest rate. We return one of the following values: SIMPLE, or COMPOUND.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
typestringThe period that the interest is applied to the loan.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
calculation_basestringThe base calculation for the interest rate.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
reference_index_typestringThe reference index rate. We return one of the following values: WITHOUT_INDEX_TYPE, PRE_FIXED, POST_FIXED, FLOATING, INDEXED_PRICE, RURAL_CREDIT, or OTHER_INDEX.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
reference_index_subtypestringThe subtype of the reference index rate.TJLP
reference_index_infostringAdditional information regarding the reference index rate.Informações adicionais sobre o TJLP
pre_fixed_ratenumberThe pre-fixed percentage rate of the interest rate.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
post_fixed_ratenumberThe post-fixed percentage rate of the interest rate.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network.
additional_infostringAdditional information regarding the interest rate.Informações adicionais sobre a taxa


In the fees array, we provide you detailed information regarding each fee applied to the loan.

  "loan_data": {
    "fees": [
        "name": "Renovação de cadastro",
        "code": "CADASTRO",
        "fee_charge_type": "SINGLE",
        "fee_charge": "FIXED",
        "value": 5.6,
        "rate": 0.062

namestringThe fee name.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the fees field is available.
Renovação de cadastro
codestringThe fee code.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the fees field is available.
fee_charge_typestringIndicates the type of charge. We return one of the following values: SINGLE or PER_INSTALLMENT.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the fees field is available.
fee_chargestringBilling method, as agreed upon with the institution. We return one of the following values: MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, FIXED, or PERCENTAGE.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the fees field is available.
valuenumberThe total value of the fee. Same currency as the loan.5.6
ratenumberThe percentage rate of the fee. Required when fee_charge is set to PERCENTAGE.0.062


In the contracted_charges array. we provide you with detailed information regarding all the charges that the loan has incurred.

  "loan_data": {
    "contracted_charges": [
        "type": "LATE_PAYMENT_INTEREST_FEE",
        "info": "Late fee",
        "rate": 0.062
typestringThe type of contracted charge. We return one of the following values: LATE_PAYMENT_INTEREST_FEE, LATE_PAYMENT_PENALTY_FEE, DEFAULT_INTEREST_FEE, LOAN_CONTRACT_TAX, LATE_PAYMENT_TAX, NO_CHARGE, or OTHER.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the contracted_charges field is available.
infostringAdditional information regarding the contracted charge.Informações adicionais sobre encargos.
ratenumberThe percentage rate of the charge, calculated based on the amount of the loan.0.07


In the collaterals array, we provide you with detailed information regarding any collateral that was provided for the loan.

  "loan_data": {
    "collaterals": [
        "type": "HIPOTECA",
        "subtype": "IMOVEIS_RESIDENCIAIS",
        "currency": "BRL",
        "amount": 45391.89
typestringThe type of collateral, as defined by the institution.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the collaterals field is available.
subtypestringThe subtype of the collateral, as defined by the institution.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the collaterals field is available.
currencystringThe three-letter currency code (ISO-4217).

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the collaterals field is available.
amountnumberThe total amount of the bill.

> Non-nullable: A value must be returned by Brazil's open finance network if the collaterals field is available.


In the balloon_payments array, we provide you with detailed information regarding any balloon payments for the loan, if applicable.

  "loan_data": {
    "balloon_payments": [
        "due_date": "2021-09-06",
        "currency": "BRL",
        "amount": 45391.89
The date that the balloon payment is to be paid, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2021-09-06
currencystringThe three-letter currency code (ISO-4217).BRL
amountnumberThe total amount of the balloon payment.1000.037