Bank Account (OFPI) Model and States

Reference information regarding the Bank Account resource (Payments Brazil).

A Bank Account in OFPI is an account in a financial institution that will receive funds.

Bank Account Model

  "id": "7c2be016-37e3-44e2-8643-db2eb1129a3f",
  "created_at": "2023-02-15T07:52:31.998761Z",
  "created_by": "417514fe-50f6-42e9-a3eb-c71da00f014c",
  "institution": "f512d996-583a-4a91-8b5b-eba2e103b068",
  "holder": {
    "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
    "information": {
      "first_name": "Caetano",
      "last_name": "Veloso",
      "identifier_type": "CPF",
      "identifier": "23******00"
  "details": {
    "country": "BRA",
    "account_type": "CHECKINGS",
    "agency": "0444",
    "number": "45722-0"
  "id": "7c2be016-37e3-44e2-8643-db2eb1129a3f",
  "created_at": "2023-02-15T07:52:31.998761Z",
  "created_by": "417514fe-50f6-42e9-a3eb-c71da00f014c",
  "institution": "f512d996-583a-4a91-8b5b-eba2e103b068",
  "customer": null,
  "holder": {
    "type": "BUSINESS",
    "information": {
      "name": "Music Production Brazil",
      "identifier_type": "CNPJ",
      "identifier": "00000000000191"
  "details": {
    "country": "BRA",
    "account_type": "CHECKINGS",
    "agency": "0444",
    "number": "45722-0"
idstringBelvo's unique identifier for the current bank account.7c2be016-37e3-44e2-8643-db2eb1129a3f
created_atstringThe ISO-8601 timestamp of when the data point was created in Belvo's database.2023-02-15T07:52:31.998761Z
created_bystringThe unique ID for the user that created this item.417514fe-50f6-42e9-a3eb-c71da00f014c
institutionstringBelvo's unique ID for the institution that the bank account is created in.f512d996-583a-4a91-8b5b-eba2e103b068
holderobjectDetails regarding the bank account holder.See the holder section for details.
detailsobjectDetails regarding the bank account.See the details section for details.


  "holder": {
    "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
    "information": {
      "first_name": "Caetano",
      "last_name": "Veloso",
      "identifier_type": "CPF",
      "identifier": "23******00"
  "holder": {
    "type": "BUSINESS",
    "information": {
      "name": "Music Production Brazil",
      "identifier_type": "CNPJ",
      "identifier": "00000000000191"
typestringThe type of bank account. Can be either: INDIVIDUAL or BUSINESS.INDIVIDUAL
informationobjectsDetails regarding the individual bank account holder.Caetano


first_namestringThe bank account holder's first name. (Individuals only)Gustavo
last_namestringThe bank account holder's last name. (Individuals only)Veloso
namestringThe bank account holder's name. (Businesses only)Music Production Brazil
identifier_typestringThe customer's ID document type. Can be either: CPF or CNPJ.CPF
identifierstringThe document number of the customer's ID.23******00


  "details": {
    "country": "BRA",
    "account_type": "CHECKINGS",
    "agency": "0444",
    "number": "457220"
countrystringCountry of the accountBRA
account_typestringThe type of bank account. Can be either: CHECKINGS, SAVINGS, SALARY, PAYMENT.CHECKINGS
agencystringThe agency (branch number) of the institution where the account was created.0444
numberstringThe bank account number.457220