Tax Retention (Mexico) Data

Core Tax Retention Information

  "id": "0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d",
  "link": "30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8",
  "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "invoice_identification": "def404af-5eef-4112-aa99-d1ec8493b89a",
  "version": "1.0",
  "code": 25,
  "issued_at": "2019-01-03T21:10:40.000Z",
  "certified_at": "2019-01-03T21:10:41.000Z",
  "cancelled_at": null,
  "sender_id": "JKUF980404P0",
  "sender_name": "Roberto Nunez Batman",
  "receiver_nationality": "NATIONAL",
  "receiver_id": "GYGK3207809L1",
  "receiver_name": "ACME LTD",
  "total_invoice_amount": 53249.8,
  "total_exempt_amount": 1000.8,
  "total_retained_amount": 1550.7,
  "total_taxable_amount": 43249,
  "xml": "=XML-STRING=",
  "retention_breakdown": [] // See the dedicated retention_breakdown section.
idstringBelvo's unique identifier for the current item.0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d
linkstringThe the data belongs to.30cb4806-6e00-48a4-91c9-ca55968576c8
collected_atstring (date-time)The ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
created_atstring (date-time)The ISO-8601 timestamp of when the data point was created in Belvo's database.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
invoice_identificationstringThe fiscal institution's unique ID for the invoice that the tax retention relates to.def404af-5eef-4112-aa99-d1ec8493b89a
versionstringThe CFDI version of the tax retentions.1.0
codeintegerThe tax retention code.25
issued_atstring (date-time)The ISO-8601 timestamp of when the tax retention was issued.2019-01-03T21:10:40.000Z
certified_atstring (date-time)The ISO-8601 timestamp of when the tax retention was certified.2019-01-03T21:10:41.000Z
cancelled_atstring (date-time)The ISO-8601 timestamp of when the tax retention was canceled (if applicable).null
sender_idstringThe fiscal ID of the invoice sender.JKUF980404P0
sender_namestringThe name of the invoice sender.Roberto Nunez Batman
receiver_nationalitystringWhether the invoice receiver is a Mexican national or not. Possible values: NATIONAL, FOREIGN.NATIONAL
receiver_idstringThe fiscal ID of the invoice receiver.GYGK3207809L1
receiver_namestringThe name of the invoice receiver.ACME LTD
total_invoice_amountnumberThe total amount of the invoice that the tax retention relates to.53249.8
total_exempt_amountnumberTotal amount that is exempt from taxation.1000.8
total_retained_amountnumberTotal tax retained.1550.7
total_taxable_amountnumberThe total amount that can be taxed. Calculated as total_invoice_amount - total_exempt_amount.43249
xmlstringThe tax retention document in XML form.=XML-STRING=
retention_breakdownarray of objectsA breakdown of the retained taxes.See the retention_breakdown section for details.


In the retention_breakdown array of object, you can receive a detailed breakdown of all the retained taxes.

  "retention_breakdown": [
      "base_amount": 0.03,
      "tax_type": "01",
      "retained_amount": 0,
      "payment_status": "PAID"
base_amountnumberThe base amount that was used to calculate the tax retention.0.03
tax_typestringOptional attribute to indicate the type of tax withheld for the period or year according to the SAT catalog.01
retained_amountnumberThe amount retained.0
payment_statusstringIndicates whether or not the tax has been paid or not. Can be either: PAID, PROVISIONED.PAID