Tax Status (Mexico) Data

Below we breakdown each section of the data returned by our Tax Status API, which allows you to retrieve information about a person's or business's tax situation, according to the country's tax authority. For SAT (Mexico), this information is extracted from the Constancia de situación fiscal document.

Core Tax Status Information

  "id": "6de34cb3-bf0d-445d-b832-7ec7781e2c6f",
  "link": "401d5a8e-79e2-472e-a1ca-8f4646f5cb24",
  "collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
  "created_at": "2022-02-09T08:46:20.406032Z",
  "place_and_date_of_issuance": "BUENAVENTURA, CIUDAD DE MEXICO A 22 DE FEBRERO DE 2021",
  "official_name": "Alfredo Gonzalo Robin",
  "id_cif": "2274235873432",
  "digital_stamp": "||2020/09/26|GHTF980303F7|CONSTANCIA DE SITUACIÓN FISCAL|2044441088666600000034||",
  "digital_stamp_chain": "ExpsnSA9t1adG7bn+Jj23kj43JK+XbMPxdOppwabhXD+pXseSqYowWWDna0mpUk3264lkj2345j23faNZB852dCDt9KAjel=",
  "pdf": "=PDF-STRING=",
  "tax_payer_information": {}, // See the dedicated tax_payer_information section
  "address": {}, // See the dedicated address section
  "economic_activity": [], // See the dedicated economic_activity section
  "regimes": [], // See the dedicated regimes section
  "obligations": [] // See the dedicated obligations section

idstringBelvo's unique identifier for the current item.6de34cb3-bf0d-445d-b832-7ec7781e2c6f
linkstringThe the data belongs to.401d5a8e-79e2-472e-a1ca-8f4646f5cb24
collected_atdate-timeThe ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected.2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z
created_atdate-timeThe ISO-8601 timestamp of when the data point was created in Belvo's database.2022-02-09T08:46:20.406032Z
place_and_date_of_issuancestringThe place and date that the tax status was issued.BUENAVENTURA, CIUDAD DE MEXICO A 22 DE FEBRERO DE 2021
official_namestringThe name of the person or business.Alfredo Gonzalo Robin
id_cifstringThe taxpayer's Cédula de Identificación Fiscal (CIF) ID.2274235873432
digital_stampstringThe validation certificate of the document.||2020/09/26|GHTF980303F7|CONSTANCIA DE SITUACIÓN FISCAL|2044441088666600000034||
digital_stamp_chainstringA data chain containing the basic structure of a fiscal digital check. For Mexico, this is the Comprobante Fiscal Digital por Internet (CFDI).ExpsnSA9t1adG7bn....
pdfstringTax status PDF as a binary string.=PDF-STRING=
tax_payer_informationobjectDetails regarding the taxpayer.See the tax_payer_information section for details.
addressobjectThe tax payer's address details.See the address section for details.
economic_activityarray of objectsA list of economic activity objects.See the economic_activity section for details.
regimesarray of objectsA list of regimen objects.See the regimes section for details.
obligationsarray of objectsDetails regarding a business's obligations.

ℹ️ For non-business accounts, this field will return empty.
See the obligations section for details.


  "tax_payer_information": {
    "rfc": "GGTF770303G7",
    "curp": "BEMP930403HDFLLT00",
    "name": "Alfredo",
    "first_last_name": "Gonzalo",
    "second_last_name": "Robin",
    "start_operations_date": "2000-06-01",
    "status_padron": "ACTIVO",
    "last_status_change_date": "2000-06-01",
    "commercial_name": "Alfredo Gonzalo Robin",
    "social_name": null,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "667507132"

rfcstringThe tax payer's identification number (For Mexico, this is the RFC).GGTF770303G7
curpstringThe tax payer's Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP) number.BEMP930403HDFLLT00
namestringThe tax payer's first name.Alfredo
first_last_namestringThe tax payer's first last name.Gonzalo
second_last_namestringThe tax payer's second last name.Robin
start_operations_datestring (date)Date when the tax payer commenced taxable commercial activities, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2000-06-01
status_padronstringStatus of the taxpayer in the Federal Register of Taxpayers (RFC). Can be ACTIVO or INACTIVO.ACTIVO
last_status_change_datestring (date)Date when status_padron was most recently updated, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2000-06-01
commercial_namestringThe name of the business designated for consumers and the general public. Note: Only applicable for businesses.Alfredo Gonzalo Robi
social_namestringThe unique and exclusive name within the national territory that companies receive for legal or administrative purposes. Note: Only applicable for businesses.null
emailstringContact email address for the tax payer.[email protected]
phonestringContact phone number for the tax payer.667507132


  "address": {
    "postal_code": "21255",
    "street_type": "BOULEVARD (BLVD.)",
    "street": "GENERAL GIMENO",
    "exterior_number": "4360",
    "interior_number": "PLANTA BAJA",
    "suburb": "BUENAVENTURA",
    "locality": null,
    "municipality": "ALTOS DE MIRAMAR",
    "state": "CIUDAD DE MEXICO",
    "between_street": [
        "street_one": "CALLE PRINCIPE",
        "street_two": "CALLE NUEVA ROMA"
postal_codestringThe postcode of the address.21255
street_typestringThe street type.BOULEVARD (BLVD.)
streetstringThe tax payer's street.GENERAL GIMENO
exterior_numberstringThe street number.4360
interior_numberstringAdditional address information.PLANTA BAJA
suburbstringThe suburb of the tax payer.BUENAVENTURA
localitystringThe locality of the address.null
municipalitystringThe municipality of the address.ALTOS DE MIRAMAR
statestringThe state that the address is in.CIUDAD DE MEXICO
between_streetarray of objectsAdditional information about where the street is located.-
between_street.street_onestringThe first street that street is located between.CALLE PRINCIPE
between_street.street_twostringThe second street that street is located between.CALLE NUEVA ROMA


  "economic_activity": [
      "order": "1",
      "economic_activity": "Asalariado",
      "percentage": "100",
      "initial_date": "2014-11-05",
      "end_date": null

orderstringThe order of the economic activity.1
economic_activitystringThe description of the economic activity.Asalariado
percentagestringThe percentage of the economic activity.100
initial_datestring (date)The start date of the economic activity, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2014-11-05
end_datestring (date)The end date of the economic activity, in YYYY-MM-DD format.null


  "regimes": [
      "regimen": "Régimen de Sueldos y Salarios e Ingresos Asimilados a Salarios",
      "initial_date": "2003-01-01",
      "end_date": null

regimenstringThe description of the regimen.Régimen de Sueldos y Salarios e Ingresos Asimilados a Salarios
initial_datestring (date)The start date of the regimen, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2003-01-01
end_datestring (date)The end date of the regimen, in YYYY-MM-DD format.null


  "obligations": [
      "obligation": "Declaración informativa de IVA con la anual de ISR",
      "expiration": "Conjuntamente con la declaración anual del ejercicio.",
      "initial_date": "2004-03-31",
      "end_date": null
obligationstringThe description of the obligation.Declaración informativa de IVA con la anual de ISR
expirationstringThe deadline to fulfill the obligation, as imposed by the tax authority.Conjuntamente con la declaración anual del ejercicio.
initial_datestring (date)The date when the obligation started, in YYYY-MM-DD format.2004-03-31
end_datestring (date)The date when the obligation ended, in YYYY-MM-DD format.null