Tax Compliance Status (Mexico) Data
Below we breakdown each section of the data returned by our Tax Compliance API, which allows you to retrieve information about whether a person or business is complying with their tax obligations at the moment of your request. For SAT (Mexico), this information is extracted from the Opinión de cumplimiento de Obligaciones Fiscales document.
Core Tax Compliance Status Information
"id": "0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d",
"collected_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
"created_at": "2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z",
"internal_identification": "20NE1234567",
"pdf": "=PDF-STRING=",
"rfc": "KDFC211118IS0",
"outcome": "NEGATIVE"
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
id | string | Belvo's unique identifier for the current item. | 0d3ffb69-f83b-456e-ad8e-208d0998d71d |
collected_at | string (date-time) | The ISO-8601 timestamp when the data point was collected. | 2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z |
created_at | string (date-time) | The ISO-8601 timestamp of when the data point was created in Belvo's database. | 2022-02-09T08:45:50.406032Z |
internal_identification | string | The institution’s internal identification number for the document. | 20NE1234567 |
pdf | string (binary) | Tax compliance status PDF as a binary. | Binary String |
rfc | string | The account holder's RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes) number. | KDFC211118IS0 |
outcome | string | Indicates whether the taxpayer is complying with all their tax obligations (POSITIVE ), if they are not (NEGATIVE ), or have none to comply to (NO_OBLIGATIONS ). | NEGATIVE |
Updated 6 months ago