Payments Web SDK
Belvo's Payments Web SDK provides you with the essential methods to:
- enroll a device for biometric payments.
- collect biometric data.
- authorize payments with biometric data.
In your node project, install the Payments Web SDK using the following command:
npm install @belvo/payments-atoms
Biometric Pix Methods
The collectEnrollmentInfromation(accountTenure)
method extracts essential details about the user's device (called risk signals) that are required to enroll the device in the user's institution and for each subsequent payment request for that user.
import BelvoPaymentAtoms from '@belvo/payments-atoms'
const enrollmentInformation = await BelvoPaymentAtoms.biometricPix.collectEnrollmentInformation('2023-06-23')
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
accountTenure | string | The date when your user created an account with your application. | 2023-06-23 |
The method returns an enrollmentInformation
object, which should be converted to a JSON-compliant object and sent to your backend in order to be used in the POST Create a new device enrollment API call.
deviceId: 'visitorUniqueId',
osVersion: 'Unix 7.1.0',
userTimeZoneOffset: -03:00,
language: 'pt-BR',
screenDimensions: {
height: 768,
width: 1024
accountTenure: '2023-06-23'
"deviceId": "visitorUniqueId",
"osVersion": "Unix 7.1.0",
"userTimeZoneOffset": "-03:00",
"language": "pt-BR",
"screenDimensions": {
"height": 768,
"width": 1024
"accountTenure": "2023-06-23"
The requestEnrollmentConfirmation(biometricRegistrationRequest)
prompts your user to provide their biometric data to complete the enrollment process.
rp: { id: '' },
id: 'Y2JhM2ZiMDQtNWIwZi00NGMwLTgzZDgtZmVkN2RiOThkOGQ5',
name: 'Mock User',
displayName: 'My First Biometric User'
challenge: 'R3JlZXRpbmdzIGZyb20gQmVsdm8h',
pubKeyCredParams: [{ alg: -7, type: 'public-key' }],
attestation: 'direct',
accountTenure: '2023-06-23',
timeout: 6000
import BelvoPaymentAtoms from '@belvo/payments-atoms'
const biometricRegistrationRequest = { // Your backend provides this information from the fido_options you received in a webhook
rp: { id: '' },
id: 'Y2JhM2ZiMDQtNWIwZi00NGMwLTgzZDgtZmVkN2RiOThkOGQ5',
name: 'Mock User',
displayName: 'My First Biometric User'
challenge: 'R3JlZXRpbmdzIGZyb20gQmVsdm8h',
pubKeyCredParams: [{ alg: -7, type: 'public-key' }],
attestation: 'direct',
accountTenure: '2023-06-23',
timeout: 6000
const enrollmentConfirmation = BelvoPaymentsAtoms.biometricPix.requestEnrollmentConfirmation(biometricRegistrationRequest)
Parameter | Type | Description |
biometricRegistrationRequest | object | The fido_options object you received in the ENROLLMENTS webhook. |
The method returns an biometricRegistrationConfirmation
object, which should be converted to a JSON-compliant object and sent to your backend in order to be used in the PATCH Complete device enrollment request.
authenticatorAttachment: 'cross-platform',
id: '447Q86f_XlFK0IBPVdf-giJUXs8pwmFCqqp0M3Q2PqM',
rawId: 'base64',
type: 'public-key'
response: {
attestationObject: 'YXR0ZXN0YXRpb25PYmplY3RFeGFtcGxlSGVyZQ==',
clientDataJson: 'YXR0ZXN0YXRpb25PYmplY3RFeGFtcGxl'
"authenticatorAttachment": "cross-platform",
"id": "447Q86f_XlFK0IBPVdf-giJUXs8pwmFCqqp0M3Q2PqM",
"rawId": "base64",
"type": "public-key",
"response": {
"attestationObject": "YXR0ZXN0YXRpb25PYmplY3RFeGFtcGxlSGVyZQ==",
"clientDataJson": "YXR0ZXN0YXRpb25PYmplY3RFeGFtcGxl"
The requestPaymentAuthorization(biometricPaymentRequest)
request prompts your user for their biometric data to complete a payment request.
challenge: 'Y2hhbGxlbmdl',
timeout: 6000,
rpId: '',
allowCredentials: [
id: 'cmF3LWlk', // Base64
type: 'public-key',
userVerification: 'required',
import BelvoPaymentAtoms from '@belvo/payments-atoms'
Parameter | Type | Description |
biometricPaymentRequest | object | The fido_options object you in the 201 Response when creating a Biometric Pix Payment Intent. |
The method returns an biometricAuthorization
object, which should be converted to a JSON-compliant object and sent to your backend in order to be used in the POST Complete a Biometric Pix payment intent.
id: 'clqMgwfufRpefli1rsHGlA07aD4OyKsQgOs0W-AGY2Y',
rawId: 'clqMgwfufRpefli1rsHGlA07aD4OyKsQgOs0W+AGY2Y=',
response: {
authenticatorData: '5KApO/fUiPm1wr+26+0W4DGfCJIhocf+sRR4PEKSdIoFAAAAAA==',
clientDataJSON: 'eyJ0eXBlIjoid2ViYXV0aG4uZ2V0IiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlIjoiWTJoaGJHeGxibWRsTWciLCJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL2Jpby5sb2NhbGhvc3QiLCJjcm9zc09yaWdpbiI6ZmFsc2UsIm90aGVyX2tleXNfY2FuX2JlX2FkZGVkX2hlcmUiOiJkbyBub3QgY29tcGFyZSBjbGllbnREYXRhSlNPTiBhZ2FpbnN0IGEgdGVtcGxhdGUuIFNlZSBodHRwczovL2dvby5nbC95YWJQZXgifQ==',
signature: 'MEUCIQDA/05vXnhaZtNK3a0LFK/MGhOKZzHhmuY0o4+k1K+bUAIgCQmZVK7pGJiHfNczwRfqR4IgnqrvqCVO7/+WfQ5YNjI=',
userHandle: 'dXNlcmlk'
type: 'public-key'
"id": "clqMgwfufRpefli1rsHGlA07aD4OyKsQgOs0W-AGY2Y",
"rawId": "clqMgwfufRpefli1rsHGlA07aD4OyKsQgOs0W+AGY2Y=",
"response": {
"authenticatorData": "5KApO/fUiPm1wr+26+0W4DGfCJIhocf+sRR4PEKSdIoFAAAAAA==",
"clientDataJSON": "eyJ0eXBlIjoid2ViYXV0aG4uZ2V0IiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlIjoiWTJoaGJHeGxibWRsTWciLCJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL2Jpby5sb2NhbGhvc3QiLCJjcm9zc09yaWdpbiI6ZmFsc2UsIm90aGVyX2tleXNfY2FuX2JlX2FkZGVkX2hlcmUiOiJkbyBub3QgY29tcGFyZSBjbGllbnREYXRhSlNPTiBhZ2FpbnN0IGEgdGVtcGxhdGUuIFNlZSBodHRwczovL2dvby5nbC95YWJQZXgifQ==",
"signature": "MEUCIQDA/05vXnhaZtNK3a0LFK/MGhOKZzHhmuY0o4+k1K+bUAIgCQmZVK7pGJiHfNczwRfqR4IgnqrvqCVO7/+WfQ5YNjI=",
"userHandle": "dXNlcmlk"
"type": "public-key"
Updated 26 days ago