Investments (OFDA)
Early preview of upcoming product
The following documentation is an early preview of Belvo's upcoming Investments product. As such:
- Parameter key names, values, and structure may change before the final product is implemented.
With Belvo's Open Finance Data Aggregation (OFDA) product for Brazil, you can retrieve the investment account information for a link.
For each investment account that the user has, you receive:
- Core information about the investment (product name, ISIN number, currency).
- Detailed balance information
- Remuneration details for the investment account
- And more! (Depending on the investment account type - please see the Core Information section below).
Core Information
Name | Type | Description | Example |
id | string | The unique identifier created by Belvo used to reference the current investment. | 5359ddc5-31fc-4346-934b-cc24630a8d06 |
type | The type of investment: Can be either - FIXED_INCOME_BANKING (*Renda Fixa Bancária*) - FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT (*Renda Fixa Crédito*) - VARIABLE_INCOME_INCOME (*Renda Variável*) - TREASURY_BOND (*Tesouro Direto*) - INVESTMENT_FUND (*Fundos de Investimento*) | ||
issuer_id_number | string | The CNPJ number of the issuing institution. For Investment Funds, this is the CNPJ of the fund. > 🚧 Not applicable for TREASURY_BOND investments. | 10187609364567 |
isin_number | string | The ISO-6166 International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) for the financial instrument. | BRCST4CTF001 |
currency | string | The three-letter currency code (ISO-4217) of the investment. For example, `BRL` for Brazilian Real. | BRL |
product_name | string | The name of the investment product. - For FIXED_INCOME_BANKING, this can be: CDB, RDB, LCI, or LCA. - For FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT, this can be: DEBENTURES, CRI, or CRA. - For Investment Funds, this will be the name of the fund. For example: CONSTELLATION MASTER FIA - For TREASURY_TREASURY_BOND, this will be the name of the TREASURY_BOND. For example: Tesouro Selic 2025. - For VARIABLE_INCOME, this will be the name of the stock. For example AAPL. | CONSTELLATION MASTER FIA |
is_tax_exempt | boolean | Indicates if the investment is exempt from taxes. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT investments. | False |
clearing_code | string | The clearing code of the investment. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_BANKING and FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT. | CDB421GPXXX |
due_date | string (date) | The maturity date of the financial instrument. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_BANKING, FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT, and TREASURY_BOND investments. | 2022-01-01 |
issue_date | string (date) | The date the financial instrument was issued. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_BANKING and FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT. | 2021-01-01 |
purchase_date | string (date) | The date the financial instrument was purchased. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_BANKING, FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT, and TREASURY_BOND investments. | 2021-01-01 |
grace_period_date | string (date) | The grace period date of the financial instrument. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_BANKING and FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT. | 2021-01-01 |
issue_unit_price | number | The unit price of the financial instrument at the time of issuance. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_BANKING and FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT. | 1000 |
balance | object | The balance of the investment instrument, as of the `reference_date`. | |
remuneration | object | The remuneration details of the investment instrument. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_BANKING, FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT, and TREASURY_BOND. | |
classification_details | object | The classification details of the investment instrument. > 🚧 Only applicable for Investment Funds > > This object is only applicable for Investment Funds. For all other investment types, this object will be null . | |
voucher_payment_details | object | The voucher payment (also known as coupon payments) details of the investment instrument. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT and TREASURY_TREASURY_BOND. > > This object is only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT and TREASURY_TREASURY_BOND. For all other investment types, this object will be null . | |
debtor_details | object | The debtor details of the investment instrument. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT. > > This object is only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT. For all other investment types, this object will be null . |
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
reference_date | string (date-time) | The date and time that the balance was calculated for the investment instrument, in `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ` format. | 2022-07-21T17:32:00Z |
gross_value | number | The gross value of the investment instrument. | 1000 |
blocked_amount | number | The amount of the investment instrument that is blocked or unavailable for transactions. | 100 |
quantity | number | The number of units, quotas, or assets held on the reference date. | 100 |
unit_gross_price | number | The current gross unit value of the investment on the reference date. > 🚧 Not applicable for VARIABLE_INCOME. | 10 |
net_value | number | The net value of the investment after deductions for taxes, fees, and other charges, as of the reference date. > 🚧 Not applicable for VARIABLE_INCOME. | 900 |
withheld_amount | number | The amount of the investment instrument that has been withheld or deducted from the net value. > 🚧 Not applicable for VARIABLE_INCOME. | 10 |
transaction_fee | number | The fees and taxes charged for the transaction. > 🚧 Not applicable for VARIABLE_INCOME. | 5 |
unit_purchase_price | number | The unit price at the time of purchase for the security or asset. > 🚧 Not applicable for VARIABLE_INCOME or INVESTMENT_FUND. | 10 |
pre_fixed_rate | number | The pre-fixed remuneration rate for the income product. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_BANKING and FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT. | 0.05 |
post_fixed_rate | number | The percentage of the post-fixed indexer for the income product. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_BANKING and FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT. | 0.05 |
penalty_fee | number | The penalty (fine) for delays in payments, as defined in the contract. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT. | 10 |
late_payment_fee | number | The interest charged for delayed payments. > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT. | 10 |
closing_price | number | The closing price of the investment on the reference date. > 🚧 Only applicable for VARIABLE_INCOME. | 10 |
unit_price_factor | number | The factor used to calculate the unit price. > 🚧 Only applicable for VARIABLE_INCOME. | 1 |
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
pre_fixed_rate | number | The fixed interest rate defined at issuance, expressed as a decimal (for example `0.150000` represents 15%). | 0.05 |
post_fixed_rate | number | The post-fixed interest rate defined at issuance, expressed as a decimal (for example `0.150000` represents 15%). | 0.05 |
rate_type | string | The type of remuneration rate applied to the financial instrument. Can be either: - `LINEAR` - `EXPONENCIAL` > 🚧 Only applicable for FIXED_INCOME_BANKING and FIXED_INCOME_CREDIT. | LINEAR |
rate_periodicity | string | The frequency that the remuneration rate is applied to the financial instrument. Can be either: - `DIARIO` - `MENSAL` - `ANUAL` - `SEMESTRAL` | MENSAL |
calculation_base | string | Indicates whether the remuneration or interest calculation is based on business days (*dias úteis*) or calendar days (*dias corridos*). - `DIAS_UTEIS` - `DIAS_CORRIDOS` | DIAS_CORRIDOS |
indexer | string | The index used as a reference to calculate the profitability or returns of the financial instrument. Can be one either: - `CDI` - `DI` - `TR` - `IPCA` - `IGP_M` - `IGP_DI` - `INPC` - `BCP` - `TLC` - `SELIC` - `PRE_FIXADO` - `OUTROS` | CDI |
indexer_additional_info | string | Additional information regarding the `indexer` rate. Required when `indexer` is set to `OUTROS`. | IPCA + 5% |
Only applicable for Investment Funds
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
category | string | The investment fund's category, as defined by ANBIMA's classification standards. Can be one of: - `RENDA_FIXA` - `ACOES` - `MULTIMERCADO` - `CAMBIAL` | ACOES |
class | string | The class within the investment fund's category, as defined by ANBIMA's classification standards. | Ações Livre |
subclass | string | The subclass of the investment fund, as defined by ANBIMA's classification standards. | Ações Livre |
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
is_voucher_payment | boolean | Indicates whether the financial instrument pays periodic interest (voucher payments). | True |
periodicity | string | The frequency that the voucher payments are made. Required when `is_voucher_payment` is set to `true`. Can be one of: - `MENSAL` - `TRIMESTRAL` - `SEMESTRAL` - `ANUAL` - `IRREGULAR` - `OUTROS` | MENSAL |
periodicity_additional_info | string | Additional information about the voucher payment periodicity. Required when `periodicity` is set to `OUTROS`. | 30/360 |
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
name | string | The name of the debtor. | Roberto Marino |
id_document_number | string | The debtor's identification document number (CNPJ). | 12345678901 |
Updated 2 months ago